The 62nd Korean War Memorial Services was
given by Korean War Veterans Association of
WA which sponsored by Korean Women’s Association (KWA), Tacoma Korean
American Association, and other communities at the Forgotten War Monument, East
Campus Plaza, in Olympia, WA.
Even in the rain, the ceremony continued the
program with Emcee Patty Kim (President of KAAT), and Kim Jongtae (Monhwa
Journal Editor).
Special guests speakers: Kwon, Yongbae
(President, Korean War Meritorious Veterans League), Consul Chansik Yoon
(Seattle Consulate General of ROK), Ret. Coonel Donald Roberts Korean War
Color Guard Presented by Ft. Lewis 593rd NCO
and proceeded the moment of silence in Honor of all everyone who sacrificed and
died for our freedom. The ceremony was even
more Salome moment with the rain pouring and cold when we thought about the
Korean War history.
Korean War Meritorious Veterans League President,
Kwon Youngbae, reminded 6.25 Korean war
and Cheonan Naval Ship Sinking that we all must prevent the terrors and keep
away from the fears which is unforgettable terrors of action and killed
innocent people with no reason during the Cheonan Yanpyong Island attack.
Consul Chansik Yoon (Seattle Consulate
General of ROK) expressed that on behalf of ROK Government, he affirmed highest
honor and gratitude to all the men and women who uniformed whom fought and
scarified their lives for freedom. He extended profound respect and
appreciation to all the families of Korean War veterans.
As G20 member of Countries and Korea continues
to marching for leading confident market economy together. Korea and U.S.A companionship is stronger and
ever. FTA is already enforced and continues to do so….
Korean Peninsula is still divided and there
is a mission to be accomplished. The
Korean War is not forgotten. He also stated that on behalf of ROK Government, on
this solemn occasion, we renew our resolute agreement, sacrifice cornerstone
for peace, freedom, and prosperity in the Korean Peninsula and beyond.
Ret. Colonel Donald Roberts- Korean War
Veteran reminded that he crew up and down Korean Peninsula 5 times and
civilians suffered during the Korean War. However, he was impressed that it was
not what we did but what you did….
He expressed warm wishes and saluted with
humble gesture and appreciated to all.
John Oh, President NUAC, Seattle Chapter addressed that we appreciate the Korean War Veterans and never can forget their sacrifices and love those of who died for peace and freedom.
Governor’s Proclamation was read by Mrs. John
Lee for Director of Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs.
Consul Yoon & Ret. Gen. NamPyo Park for
ROK, presented medals to a represented Korean War Veterans and John Oh, President NUAC, Seattle Chapter presented Medals to Ret. Colonel Donal Roberts.
Trumpet sounds; Taps by Dale Butler, Korean
War Veteran and Bugler Ted Mata with drizzling rain
from the sky and some people are soaking wet in the rain… moment of silence with the Color Guard return to ranks by Ft. Lewis
593rd NCO took us back to the screen of 6.25 Korean War history…
we promising united and prevent the war and terrors
to keep away from the fears for a beautiful earth that we live…….