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Pyongyang claimed it already had nuclear weapons
and would boycott talks indefinitely

According to Fox News dated April 22nd, 2005: In February, Pyongyang claimed it already had nuclear weapons and would boycott talks indefinitely.

North Korea secretly brought equipment needed for its nuclear weapons program into the country in June 1998 from Pakistan. The nuclear equipment, which included a sample gas centrifuge used to enrich uranium and its blueprints, were transported on a special flight from Islamabad to Pyongyang.

In what may prove to be the first sighting of Pyongyang's atomic arsenal, Abdul Qadeer Khan - the father of Pakistan's uranium weapons programme - has told investigators he saw three nuclear bombs in North Korea five years ago, the New York Times reported in April 13, 2004. (2)

Security Council deliberations on North Korea's nuclear threat could eventually lead to U.N. economic sanctions, which the North has said it would consider a "declaration of war."

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (search) said Thursday that Washington had no timeline for taking the issue to the council, but they were willing to do that.

"We are willing, when the time is right, when we believe that we have exhausted the possibilities of the framework we are in, to go to the Security Council," Rice told U.S. network Fox News Channel while in Vilnius, Lithuania.

SEOUL, South Korea — A top Chinese envoy to South Korea said Friday it wasn't the right time to discuss referring the North Korean nuclear issue to the U.N. Security Council — a move Pyongyang has condemned would be tantamount to a declaration of war.

It is positive to see the world and U.S recognizes the serious problem about the North Korea nuclear weapons.

Reported by, April 22nd, 2005


1) Retrieved in April 22nd, 2005,2933,154267,00.html

2) Retrieved in April 22nd, 2005

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