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S. Korea's President Lee Myung Bak Gives
Thumbs Up to Washington State

On September 22, 2011, Seattle Washington State Communities gathered at the Westin Hotel, Grand Ballroom, 1900 5th Avenue, Seattle, Wa and Republic of Korea, President Lee Myung Bak and the first lady, Kim Yun Ok received warm welcome by the 300 Korean American Community Leaders which was expressed warm welcome remarks by Lee Kang Sul, Korean American Association of Seattle and Oh Jun Gul, NW KA Unification Association President, on behalf of 170,000 KA Washingtonians which followed with the beautiful entertainment  Arirang Song by Korean Traditional famous Pansori singer, as a traditional Korean narrative song singer, Kwon Da Yong and Song by the Korean American Music Association in Washington State.

President Lee mentioned that Washington State is the most beautiful and able to breathe with the fresh air and clean environment which he appreciates very much.   In addition, the communities are bonded in ethical manner and united strong which he can related stronger relationship between  United State of America and Korea relationship.  All of these, can be related to see the economic recovery in currently in KORUS FTA issue which is the most critical concern and will be able to see the communities and law makers Congress working together.  President Lee is confident that U.S and Korea economic will be far better than current situation when the KORUS FTA is ratified by the congress including the farmers, Technicians, Education, Cars, Airplanes, manufactures, etc… which export and import will be increased by far more with all of these, the jobs will be able to creating and will be able to support the economic crisis.  President Lee is hoping to see complete the FTA issues to be resolved and would like to see Win-win situation as soon as possible like the community leaders and the business leaders are hoping for both countries.

On behalf of more than 60,000 Korean Americans in Washington State, in addition, foreign students and business men and women 80,000 Korean immigrants among the140,000 immigrants, truely, Washington Korean American Communities gave warm welcome for ROK President Lee Myoung Bak.

President Lee addressed that he asked Governor Chris Gregoire to visit to South Korea as soon as the FTA issues are resolved which he appreciates so much for community leaders effort and hard work in order to ratify the KORUS FTA issues by the law makers, congress: Senate and House of Representatives.

Republic of Korea’s president Lee Myung Bak

The Appeal of Conscience Foundation  award ceremony hosted by as the following:

President Lee Myung Bak addressed that he will firm the ground for reunification of the Korean Peninsula during the remainder of his term, stated that reunified Korea will promote the co-prosperity of neighboring countries, contribute to world peace, and pose no threat to any country. He is hoping for the peace and prosperity of the Korean Peninsula, and  urged Pyongyang to give up its nuclear program and build trust with Seoul in order to strengthen inter-Korean economic cooperation for co-prosperity and peaceful reunification.


Meanwhile, UN Secretary of General, Ban Ki-moon today urged all remaining States to seize the moment and sign and ratify the global treaty banning nuclear tests, with the aim of bringing it into force by 2012. “We know that a comprehensive ban on nuclear tests is an indispensable stepping stone to a nuclear-weapon-free world,” he told the Seventh Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), held in New York.

"The entry into force of the CTBT is of vital importance as a core element of the international nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime…fifteen years after opening of the Treaty for signature, its entry into force is more urgent than ever before.

We urge all remaining States, especially those whose signatures and ratifications are necessary for the entry into force of the Treaty*, to take individual initiatives to sign and ratify the Treaty without delay in order to achieve its earliest entry into force."

In regard to the Korea-U.S. alliance, The President said the alliance is stronger than ever and credited it with helping Korea achieve a rapid transformation from an impoverished country to an advanced country through economic development and democracy. He added that Korea’s fight against poverty was a struggle for human dignity, not just for material affluence. The president also said he learned through experience that job creation is the best welfare of the country.

The Appeal of Conscience Foundation Mission is The Appeal’s philosophy is that freedom, democracy and human rights are basic principles, and if they are granted, nations of the world have their best hope for “peace, security and shared prosperity.”

"A crime committed in the name of religion is the greatest crime against religion,” is the organization’s mantra. Following the act of September 11th, the ACF has rallied religious leaders worldwide to take a stand against terrorism and to use their influence to halt violence and promote tolerance.

The Appeal of Conscience Foundation founded by Rabbi Arthur Schneier in 1965, the ACF has worked on behalf of religious freedom, human rights and tolerance throughout the world. The inter-faith coalition of business and religious leaders promotes mutual understanding, peace and interfaith dialogue. The Foundation believes that freedom, democracy and human rights are the fundamental values that give nations of the world their best hope for peace, security and shared prosperity.

Sources: Yahoo News, UN, wikipedia,, Governor Chris Gregoire, CTBT, and The Appeal of Conscience Foundation., Sandra Englund, , September 23, 2011

Gov. Gregoire’s statement on arrival of
Republic of Korea’s president

For Immediate Release: September 22, 2011

OLYMPIA – Gov. Chris Gregoire today issued the following statement after greeting the president of the Republic of Korea, Lee Myung-bak:

“I’m proud to welcome President Lee to the great State of Washington. Washington state and the Republic of Korea have a long and proud relationship with important cultural and economic ties. Our state is home to more than 60,000 Korean Americans and thousands of Korean students and employees of Korean companies. Korea was Washington’s fourth largest export market last year, with aircraft, seafood, hops and our famous Washington fruit traveling from our businesses and farms to their communities.

“I look forward to my conversation with President Lee later tonight, and will use the opportunity to continue to promote what Washington’s businesses and farms have to offer. I see many opportunities to strengthen ties between our state and Korea and support the concept of mutually beneficial two-way exchanges. I hope the Free Trade Agreement with Korea is implemented by both sides soon.”

On September 20th, 2011, Republic Of Korea Consul General, Song Yong An announced that ROK President Lee Myong Bak will meeting Washington State Governor Chris Gregoire and Microsoft Chairman, Bill Gates during President Bak’s visit to Seattle.

September 20th, 2011: Consul General, Song Yong An announces to KA media that ROK President Lee Myong Bak will meeting Washington State Governor Chris Gregoire and Microsoft Chairman, Bill Gates during President Bak’s visit to Seattle. Photo by Sandra Englund

Consul General Song Yong An was proud to say that President Lee Myong Bak is well familiar about the Washington State communities that they are putting the greatest effort to pass the FTA and enthusiastic which President also is familiar that Washington State is very important to connecting the global economic.  In addition the most beautiful and paradise with fresh air environment which reminds to all of us that October 2007, President Lee Myung Bak was chosen as a 'Hero of the Environment' in Time magazine along with former U.S. vice president, Al Gore.

Consul General Song Yong An also stated that there will be about 7000 job will be created in Washington State while at least over 70,000 jobs will be created in United States although it is expected 350,000 jobs will be creating jobs including South Korea which will be able to support the economic recover during the critical situation.

The announcement was giving after the meeting with Korean American Chamber of Commerce, president Susan Lee and KACCWA board members delivered the 3,255 request letters to Congress which is requesting to ratify and pass the Korea US Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA).KACCWA President, Susan Lee and Board Chair Hong Yun Sun delivered the more than 3,000 requesting to Congress letters two weeks ago which combined total about 6,287 letters although more than 7,000 petition signature have received from the KA communities in Washington State alone last in June and delivered to President Obama.  ROK Consulate General will be sent out these letters to the congress accordingly.

From Left: KACCWA Board, Daniel Suh, Board Chair, Yun Sun Hong, Consul, Choi, Consul General, Song Yong An, KACCWA President, Susan Lee, Vice  President, Sandra Englund, and Board, Judy Lee

The United States and the Republic of Korea’s Negotiations were announced on February 2, 2006, and concluded on April 1, 2007. The treaty was first signed on June 30, 2007, with a renegotiated version signed in early December 2010.  However, the agreement has not yet been ratified by the National Assembly of South Korea or the United States Congress and thus has not yet entered into force.

ROK President Lee will attend the General Assembly and give a speech pledging that his country will take greater responsibility in international affairs, the office said.

On September 22,  he will attend a high-level nuclear safety meeting and speak about South Korea's efforts in the field, as well as preparations for the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul next March which The opening plenary meeting will be held in the General Assembly Hall. The opening plenary meeting will be chaired by the Secretary-General and the provisional list of invited speakers includes the Heads of States or Government of Brazil, France, Japan, Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Ukraine and United States as well as the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency. See more detail for September 22nd, 2011  Meeting .

President Lee Myung Bak's visiting to Washington State is not the first time, he visited Seattle in 1998 when he was Mayor for Seoul in South Korea which he started Mayor in year 2002. President Lee Myung Bak altered the South Korean government's approach to North Korea, preferring a more hardline strategy in the wake of increased provocations from the North Korea.  President Lee Myung Bak, has emerged as a major player of the  Global Financial Crisis and on the international scene through hosting the 2010 G-20 Seoul summit.

Sources: UN, wikipedia, Sandra Englund, , September 21, 2011

S.Korea's President to visit US
for UN General Assembly

According to the Yahoo AF news, dated September 9th,2011,  South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak will visit  with the United States this month to attend the United Nations General Assembly and other events, according to his office.

In New York on September 20th, 2011, ROK President Lee will receive the World Statesman Award presented by the Appeal of Conscience Foundation for his contribution to world peace, democracy and human rights.

Previous recipients include German Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France and then-British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

After the award, Lee will have dinner with UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon.

The following day, the president will attend the General Assembly and give a speech pledging that his country will take greater responsibility in international affairs, the office said.

On September 22 he will attend a high-level nuclear safety meeting and speak about South Korea's efforts in the field, as well as preparations for the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul next March.

ROK, President Lee will visit to Seattle and meet Korean residents in the area before heading back to South Korea.

In response to the disaster at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station in Japan in March 2011, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
is hosting a high-level meeting on 22 September 2011 on the margins of the UN General Assembly's sixty-sixth session. The meeting is expected to focus on strengthening the global nuclear safety regime and ensuring maximum nuclear safety standards. The meeting is also expected to entail a serious global debate on broader issues, including assessment of the costs, risks and benefits of nuclear energy and stronger connections between nuclear safety, nuclear security and nuclear non-proliferation.

In advance of the high-level meeting, the UN Secretariat will also be releasing a UN system-wide study on nuclear power. Reaching Critical Will is facilitating a parallel civil society study, which is to be released early September. The information to be provided as soon as released by UN Secretariat.  Meanwhile the schedul is as the follow:

Logisitics and NGO participation at the high-level meeting:
22 September 2011
Host: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

8-8.45 a.m.

Opening plenary meeting

9-12.00 a.m.

Two parallel interactive ministerial sessions, both of which will address "Strengthening Nuclear Safety and Nuclear Disaster Risk Preparedness"

12.15-13.00  p.m.

Closing plenary meeting

See more detail

The Appeal of Conscience Foundation's
philosophy is that freedom, democracy and human rights are basic principles, and if they are granted, nations of the world have their best hope for “peace, security and shared prosperity.”

"A crime committed in the name of religion is the greatest crime against religion,” is the organization’s mantra. Following the act of September 11th, the ACF has rallied religious leaders worldwide to take a stand against terrorism and to use their influence to halt violence and promote tolerance.

President Lee Myung-bak (17th President of the Republic of Korea) will visit to Seattle on September 23, 2011 with his wife First Lady, Kim Yun OK.  This visit will be the first time since he assumed president in February, 2008. ;

According to the presidential Blue House, President Lee will stop by to visit Seattle from New York while he is heading back to his country, South Korea.  Soon to be  announced by Seattle ROK Consulate for more detail information.

Sources: Yahoo News, AF, MSN News , JoySeattle News, wikipedia, and UN., Sandra Englund, , September 9th, 2011

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