3:47 P.M. BST
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Thank you. (Applause.)
My Lord Chancellor, Mr.
Speaker, Mr. Prime Minister, my lords, and members of the House of Commons:
I have known few greater
honors than the opportunity to address the Mother of Parliaments at Westminster
Hall. I am told that the last three speakers here have been the Pope, Her
Majesty the Queen, and Nelson Mandela -- which is either a very high bar or the
beginning of a very funny joke. (Laughter.)
I come here today
to reaffirm one of the oldest, one of the strongest alliances the world has
ever known. It’s long been said that the United States and the United Kingdom
share a special relationship. And since we also share an especially
active press corps, that relationship is often analyzed and overanalyzed for
the slightest hint of stress or strain.
Of course, all
relationships have their ups and downs. Admittedly, ours got off on the
wrong foot with a small scrape about tea and taxes. (Laughter.) There may also have been some hurt feelings when the White House was set on
fire during the War of 1812. (Laughter.) But fortunately, it’s been
smooth sailing ever since.
The reason for this
close friendship doesn’t just have to do with our shared history, our shared
our ties of language and culture or even the strong partnership
between our governments. Our relationship is special because of the
values and beliefs that have united our people through the ages.
Centuries ago, when
kings, emperors, and warlords reigned over much of the world, it was the
English who first spelled out the rights and liberties of man in the Magna
Carta. It was here, in this very hall, where the rule of law first
developed, courts were established, disputes were settled, and citizens came to
petition their leaders.
Over time, the people of
this nation waged a long and sometimes bloody struggle to expand and secure
their freedom from the crown. Propelled by the ideals of the
Enlightenment, they would ultimately forge an English Bill of Rights, and
invest the power to govern in an elected parliament that’s gathered here
What began on this
island would inspire millions throughout the continent of Europe and across the
world. But perhaps no one drew greater inspiration from these notions of
freedom than your rabble-rousing colonists on the other side of the
Atlantic. As Winston Churchill said, the “…Magna Carta, the Bill of
Rights, Habeas Corpus, trial by jury, and English common law find their most
famous expression in the American Declaration of Independence.”
For both of our
nations, living up to the ideals enshrined in these founding documents has
sometimes been difficult, has always been a work in progress. The path
has never been perfect. But through the struggles of slaves and immigrants,
women and ethnic minorities, former colonies and persecuted religions, we have
learned better than most that the longing for freedom and human dignity is not
English or American or Western –- it is universal, and it beats in every
heart. Perhaps that’s why there are few nations that stand firmer, speak
louder, and fight harder to defend democratic values around the world than the
United States and the United Kingdom.
We are the allies who
landed at Omaha and Gold, who sacrificed side by side to free a continent from
the march of tyranny, and help prosperity flourish from the ruins of war. And with the founding of NATO –- a British idea –- we joined a transatlantic
alliance that has ensured our security for over half a century.
Together with our
allies, we forged a lasting peace from a cold war. When the Iron Curtain
lifted, we expanded our alliance to include the nations of Central and Eastern
Europe, and built new bridges to Russia and the former states of the Soviet
Union. And when there was strife in the Balkans, we worked together to keep the
Today, after a difficult
decade that began with war and ended in recession, our nations have arrived at
a pivotal moment once more. A global economy that once stood on the brink
of depression is now stable and recovering. After years of conflict, the
United States has removed 100,000 troops from Iraq, the United Kingdom has
removed its forces, and our combat mission there has ended. In
Afghanistan, we’ve broken the Taliban’s momentum and will soon begin a
transition to Afghan lead. And nearly 10 years after 9/11, we have
disrupted terrorist networks and dealt al Qaeda a huge blow by killing its
leader –- Osama bin Laden.
Together, we have met
great challenges. But as we enter this new chapter in our shared history,
profound challenges stretch before us. In a world where the prosperity of
all nations is now inextricably linked, a new era of cooperation is required to
ensure the growth and stability of the global economy. As new threats
spread across borders and oceans, we must dismantle terrorist networks and stop
the spread of nuclear weapons, confront climate change and combat famine and
disease. And as a revolution races through the streets of the Middle East
and North Africa, the entire world has a stake in the aspirations of a
generation that longs to determine its own destiny.
These challenges come at
a time when the international order has already been reshaped for a new
century. Countries like China, India, and Brazil are growing by leaps and
bounds. We should welcome this development, for it has lifted hundreds of
millions from poverty around the globe, and created new markets and
opportunities for our own nations.
And yet, as this rapid
change has taken place, it’s become fashionable in some quarters to question
whether the rise of these nations will accompany the decline of American and
European influence around the world. Perhaps, the argument goes, these
nations represent the future, and the time for our leadership has passed.
That argument is
wrong. The time for our leadership is now. It was the United States and
the United Kingdom and our democratic allies that shaped a world in which new
nations could emerge and individuals could thrive. And even as more
nations take on the responsibilities of global leadership, our alliance will remain
indispensable to the goal of a century that is more peaceful, more prosperous
and more just.
At a time when threats
and challenges require nations to work in concert with one another, we remain
the greatest catalysts for global action. In an era defined by the rapid
flow of commerce and information, it is our free market tradition, our
openness, fortified by our commitment to basic security for our citizens, that
offers the best chance of prosperity that is both strong and shared. As
millions are still denied their basic human rights because of who they are, or
what they believe, or the kind of government that they live under, we are the
nations most willing to stand up for the values of tolerance and
self-determination that lead to peace and dignity.
Now, this doesn’t
mean we can afford to stand still. The nature of our leadership will need
to change with the times. As I said the first time I came to London as
President, for the G20 summit, the days are gone when Roosevelt and Churchill
could sit in a room and solve the world’s problems over a glass of brandy -– although I’m sure that Prime Minister Cameron would agree that some days we
could both use a stiff drink. (Laughter.) In this century, our
joint leadership will require building new partnerships, adapting to new
circumstances, and remaking ourselves to meet the demands of a new era.
That begins with our
economic leadership.
Adam Smith’s central
insight remains true today: There is no greater generator of wealth and
innovation than a system of free enterprise that unleashes the full potential
of individual men and women. That’s what led to the Industrial Revolution
that began in the factories of Manchester. That is what led to the dawn
of the Information Age that arose from the office parks of Silicon
Valley. That’s why countries like China, India and Brazil are growing so
rapidly -- because in fits and starts, they are moving toward market-based
principles that the United States and the United Kingdom have always embraced.
In other words, we live
in a global economy that is largely of our own making. And today, the
competition for the best jobs and industries favors countries that are
free-thinking and forward-looking countries with the most creative and
innovative and entrepreneurial citizens.
That gives nations like
the United States and the United Kingdom an inherent advantage. For from
Newton and Darwin to Edison and Einstein, from Alan Turing to Steve Jobs, we
have led the world in our commitment to science and cutting-edge research, the
discovery of new medicines and technologies. We educate our citizens and
train our workers in the best colleges and universities on Earth. But to
maintain this advantage in a world that’s more competitive than ever, we will
have to redouble our investments in science and engineering, and renew our
national commitments to educating our workforces.
We’ve also been reminded
in the last few years that markets can sometimes fail. In the last
century, both our nations put in place regulatory frameworks to deal with such
market failures -- safeguards to protect the banking system after the Great
Depression, for example regulations that were established to prevent the
pollution of our air and water during the 1970s.
But in today’s economy,
such threats of market failure can no longer be contained within the borders of
any one country. Market failures can go global, and go viral, and demand
international responses.
A financial crisis that
began on Wall Street infected nearly every continent, which is why we must keep
working through forums like the G20 to put in place global rules of the road to
prevent future excesses and abuse. No country can hide from the dangers
of carbon pollution, which is why we must build on what was achieved at
Copenhagen and Cancun to leave our children a planet that is safer and
Moreover, even when the
free market works as it should, both our countries recognize that no matter how
responsibly we live in our lives, hard times or bad luck, a crippling illness
or a layoff may strike any one of us. And so part of our common tradition
has expressed itself in a conviction that every citizen deserves a basic
measure of security -– health care if you get sick, unemployment insurance if
you lose your job, a dignified retirement after a lifetime of hard work. That commitment to our citizens has also been the reason for our leadership in
the world.
And now, having come
through a terrible recession, our challenge is to meet these obligations while
ensuring that we’re not consuming -- and hence consumed with -- a level of debt
that could sap the strength and vitality of our economies. And that will
require difficult choices and it will require different paths for both of our countries. But we have faced such challenges before, and have always been able to balance
the need for fiscal responsibility with the responsibilities we have to one
And I believe we can do
this again. As we do, the successes and failures of our own past can
serve as an example for emerging economies -– that it’s possible to grow
without polluting that lasting prosperity comes not from what a nation
consumes, but from what it produces, and from the investments it makes in its
people and its infrastructure.
And just as we must lead
on behalf of the prosperity of our citizens, so we must safeguard their
security. Our two nations know what it is to confront evil in the
world. Hitler’s armies would not have stopped their killing had we not
fought them on the beaches and on the landing grounds, in the fields and on the
streets. We must never forget that there was nothing inevitable about our
victory in that terrible war. It was won through the courage and
character of our people.
Precisely because we are
willing to bear its burden, we know well the cost of war. And that is why
we built an alliance that was strong enough to defend this continent while
deterring our enemies. At its core, NATO is rooted in the simple concept
of Article Five: that no NATO nation will have to fend on its own that
allies will stand by one another, always. And for six decades, NATO has
been the most successful alliance in human history.
Today, we confront a
different enemy. Terrorists have taken the lives of our citizens in New
York and in London. And while al Qaeda seeks a religious war with the
West, we must remember that they have killed thousands of Muslims -– men, women
and children -– around the globe. Our nations are not and will never be at
war with Islam. Our fight is focused on defeating al Qaeda and its
extremist allies. In that effort, we will not relent, as Osama bin Laden
and his followers have learned. And as we fight an enemy that respects no
law of war, we will continue to hold ourselves to a higher standard -– by
living up to the values, the rule of law and due process that we so ardently
For almost a decade,
Afghanistan has been a central front of these efforts. Throughout those
years, you, the British people, have been a stalwart ally, along with so many
others who fight by our side.
Together, let us pay
tribute to all of our men and women who have served and sacrificed over the
last several years -– for they are part of an unbroken line of heroes who have borne
the heaviest burden for the freedoms that we enjoy. Because of them, we
have broken the Taliban’s momentum. Because of them, we have built the
capacity of Afghan security forces. And because of them, we are now
preparing to turn a corner in Afghanistan by transitioning to Afghan
lead. And during this transition, we will pursue a lasting peace with
those who break free of al Qaeda and respect the Afghan constitution and lay
down arms. And we will ensure that Afghanistan is never a safe haven for
terror, but is instead a country that is strong, sovereign, and able to stand
on its own two feet.
Indeed, our
efforts in this young century have led us to a new concept for NATO that will
give us the capabilities needed to meet new threats -- threats like terrorism
and piracy, cyber attacks and ballistic missiles. But a revitalized NATO
will continue to hew to that original vision of its founders, allowing us to
rally collective action for the defense of our people, while building upon the
broader belief of Roosevelt and Churchill that all nations have both rights and
responsibilities, and all nations share a common interest in an international
architecture that maintains the peace.
We also share a common
interest in stopping the spread of nuclear weapons. Across the globe,
nations are locking down nuclear materials so they never fall into the wrong
hands -- because of our leadership. From North Korea to Iran, we’ve sent
a message that those who flaunt their obligations will face consequences -– which
is why America and the European Union just recently strengthened our sanctions
on Iran, in large part because of the leadership of the United Kingdom and the
United States. And while we hold others to account, we will meet our own
obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and strive for a world without
nuclear weapons.
We share a common
interest in resolving conflicts that prolong human suffering and threaten to
tear whole regions asunder. In Sudan, after years of war and thousands of
deaths, we call on both North and South to pull back from the brink of violence
and choose the path of peace. And in the Middle East, we stand united in
our support for a secure Israel and a sovereign Palestine.
And we share a common
interest in development that advances dignity and security. To succeed,
we must cast aside the impulse to look at impoverished parts of the globe as a
place for charity. Instead, we should empower the same forces that have
allowed our own people to thrive: We should help the hungry to feed
themselves, the doctors who care for the sick. We should support
countries that confront corruption, and allow their people to innovate. And we should advance the truth that nations prosper when they allow women and
girls to reach their full potential.
We do these things
because we believe not simply in the rights of nations we believe in the
rights of citizens. That is the beacon that guided us through our fight
against fascism and our twilight struggle against communism. And today,
that idea is being put to the test in the Middle East and North Africa. In country after country, people are mobilizing to free themselves from the
grip of an iron fist. And while these movements for change are just six
months old, we have seen them play out before -– from Eastern Europe to the
Americas, from South Africa to Southeast Asia.
History tells us
that democracy is not easy. It will be years before these revolutions
reach their conclusion, and there will be difficult days along the way. Power rarely gives up without a fight -– particularly in places where there are
divisions of tribe and divisions of sect. We also know that populism can
take dangerous turns -– from the extremism of those who would use democracy to
deny minority rights, to the nationalism that left so many scars on this
continent in the 20th century.
But make no
mistake: What we saw, what we are seeing in Tehran, in Tunis, in Tahrir
Square, is a longing for the same freedoms that we take for granted here at
home. It was a rejection of the notion that people in certain parts of
the world don’t want to be free, or need to have democracy imposed upon
them. It was a rebuke to the worldview of al Qaeda, which smothers the
rights of individuals, and would thereby subject them to perpetual poverty and
Let there be no
doubt: The United States and United Kingdom stand squarely on the side of
those who long to be free. And now, we must show that we will back up
those words with deeds. That means investing in the future of those
nations that transition to democracy, starting with Tunisia and Egypt -– by
deepening ties of trade and commerce by helping them demonstrate that freedom
brings prosperity. And that means standing up for universal rights -– by
sanctioning those who pursue repression, strengthening civil society,
supporting the rights of minorities.
We do this knowing that
the West must overcome suspicion and mistrust among many in the Middle East and
North Africa -– a mistrust that is rooted in a difficult past. For years,
we’ve faced charges of hypocrisy from those who do not enjoy the freedoms that
they hear us espouse. And so to them, we must squarely acknowledge that,
yes, we have enduring interests in the region -– to fight terror, sometimes
with partners who may not be perfect to protect against disruptions of the
world’s energy supply. But we must also insist that we reject as false
the choice between our interests and our ideals between stability and
democracy. For our idealism is rooted in the realities of history -– that
repression offers only the false promise of stability, that societies are more
successful when their citizens are free, and that democracies are the closest
allies we have.
It is that truth that
guides our action in Libya. It would have been easy at the outset of the
crackdown in Libya to say that none of this was our business -– that a nation’s
sovereignty is more important than the slaughter of civilians within its
borders. That argument carries weight with some. But we are
different. We embrace a broader responsibility. And while we cannot
stop every injustice, there are circumstances that cut through our caution -–
when a leader is threatening to massacre his people, and the international
community is calling for action. That’s why we stopped a massacre in
Libya. And we will not relent until the people of Libya are protected and
the shadow of tyranny is lifted.
We will proceed with
humility, and the knowledge that we cannot dictate every outcome abroad. Ultimately, freedom must be won by the people themselves, not imposed from
without. But we can and must stand with those who so struggle. Because we have always believed that the future of our children and
grandchildren will be better if other people’s children and grandchildren are
more prosperous and more free -– from the beaches of Normandy to the Balkans to
Benghazi. That is our interests and our ideals. And if we fail to
meet that responsibility, who would take our place, and what kind of world
would we pass on?
Our action -– our
leadership -– is essential to the cause of human dignity. And so we must
act -– and lead -– with confidence in our ideals, and an abiding faith in the
character of our people, who sent us all here today.
For there is one final
quality that I believe makes the United States and the United Kingdom
indispensable to this moment in history. And that is how we define
ourselves as nations.
Unlike most countries in
the world, we do not define citizenship based on race or ethnicity. Being
American or British is not about belonging to a certain group it’s about
believing in a certain set of ideals -- the rights of individuals, the rule of
law. That is why we hold incredible diversity within our borders. That’s why there are people around the world right now who believe that if they
come to America, if they come to New York, if they come to London, if they work
hard, they can pledge allegiance to our flag and call themselves Americans if
they come to England, they can make a new life for themselves and can sing God
Save The Queen just like any other citizen.
Yes, our diversity can
lead to tension. And throughout our history there have been heated
debates about immigration and assimilation in both of our countries. But
even as these debates can be difficult, we fundamentally recognize that our
patchwork heritage is an enormous strength -- that in a world which will only
grow smaller and more interconnected, the example of our two nations says it is
possible for people to be united by their ideals, instead of divided by their
that it’s possible for hearts to change and old hatreds to pass
that it’s possible for the sons and daughters of former colonies to sit here as
members of this great Parliament, and for the grandson of a Kenyan who served
as a cook in the British Army to stand before you as President of the United
States. (Applause.)
That is what defines
us. That is why the young men and women in the streets of Damascus and
Cairo still reach for the rights our citizens enjoy, even if they sometimes
differ with our policies. As two of the most powerful nations in the
history of the world, we must always remember that the true source of our
influence hasn’t just been the size of our economies, or the reach of our
militaries, or the land that we’ve claimed. It has been the values that
we must never waver in defending around the world -- the idea that all beings
are endowed by our Creator with certain rights that cannot be denied.
That is what forged our
bond in the fire of war -- a bond made manifest by the friendship between two
of our greatest leaders. Churchill and Roosevelt had their
differences. They were keen observers of each other’s blind spots and
shortcomings, if not always their own, and they were hard-headed about their
ability to remake the world. But what joined the fates of these two men
at that particular moment in history was not simply a shared interest in
victory on the battlefield. It was a shared belief in the ultimate
triumph of human freedom and human dignity -– a conviction that we have a say
in how this story ends.
This conviction lives on
in their people today. The challenges we face are great. The work
before us is hard. But we have come through a difficult decade, and
whenever the tests and trials ahead may seem too big or too many, let us turn
to their example, and the words that Churchill spoke on the day that Europe was
“In the long years
to come, not only will the people of this island but…the world, wherever the
bird of freedom chirps in [the] human heart, look back to what we’ve done, and
they will say ‘do not despair, do not yield…march straightforward’.”
With courage and
purpose, with humility and with hope, with faith in the promise of tomorrow,
let us march straightforward together, enduring allies in the cause of a world
that is more peaceful, more prosperous, and more just.
Thank you very much. (Applause.)