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KCC for North Korea Freedom
KCC Torch Prayer Conference Seattle and Tacoma

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KCC for North Korea Freedom - KCC Torch Prayer Conference was given from Tacoma and Seattle Korean American Church Communities. About 2,500 people gathered for this event in April 10, 2005, Sunday 6:00 PM, at Christian Faith Center 21024 24th Avenue, Pacific Highway South Seattle.

This event was emotional and prayerful moment. Started Guidance by Rev. Won I. Kim, Praise by Wave Mission, National Anthems by Ten.Woong Park, Sop. In J. Kim Invocation by Rev. Jae E. Kim.  The Agony of Refuges and NK people emotional visual Message was emotional video presentation.  

Special guest speakers by Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna.  It was inspiration of God and concerned about people in North Korea.  Refugee Sung M. Kim's North Korea Refugee's Testimony urged prayers to all of us and he is hoping to save North Korean people as soon as possible and to be free soon like all of us.

Secretary of State, Sam Reed was very proud of KCC Torch Prayer Conference he was amazed by united and strong wailing prayer event.  His message was motivated to support and prayer whatever it takes to give freedom and humanitarian necessaries for the North Korean's suffer starving people. 

United Choir praised Hail to the Brightness of Zion’s and glad Morning of Hebrew Slaves conducted by Seung G. Kim.  Special Song by Choral Corner Stone was phenomena. The message of these special songs was very touch and moved audience’s heart.  The special message was given by Rev. Ki W. Chun and the sermon “Now is the time for Repentance Wailing” was given by Rev. Za K. Koo.

The special prayers as the follow:

Allow North Korea To Christianize by Rev. In K. Choe

Let Chinese Government accept North Korea Refugees by Rev. Chan W. Song

Let South Koreans repentance by Rev. Sung H. cho

Please release prisoners of North Korean Concentration Camps by Rev. Bum J. Jung

Please end Kim Jung II’s corrupt regime by Rev. Dong K. Lee

Please give North Korean defectors refugee status by Rev. Yo S. Cho

Allow media to show the brutality of North Korean Leadership by Rev. Yo s cho

For the Leaders of the U.S./South Korea by Rev. Ki S. song

KCC Declaration:

To the People of North Korean: by Rev. Joseph Jeong

To the North Korean Government: by Rev. Hong M. Son

To the Chinese Government: by Rev. William Park

To the United States Government: by Rev. Yong M. Kim

To the United Nations: by Rev. Sam J. Kim

To the South Korean Government: by Rev. Hyun Y. Lee

To all Christian Churches in South Korea: by Rev. Tae K. Jung

To all of Us: by rev. In b. Byun

KCC believes The United States of America has made strenuous endeavors for accomplishing world peace. Especially the Korean War 6.25 was dispatched to protect peace and freedom. Total casualties of 137,000 soldiers including more than 36,900 wounded soldiers will never be forgotten.  Their sacrifice will be cherished forever. 

KCC, Korean Americans wish Korean-American relationship to be fruitful and stronger more than ever.  Korean-Americans appreciation to the U.S. Congress that the North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004 has recently been passed in the House of Representatives and sending many thanks to the persistent endeavors of the Congress for the North Korean Freedom Act of 2003. At the last, the benediction adjourned by Rev. Young H. Park.

It is very positive to see Korean American's appreciation to the Veterans who fought for South Korea to be free. Freedom is not Free, it cost sacrifice and love.

Reported by:, Sandra Englund April 16, 2005

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