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Senator Maria Cantwell makes Extra Effort on Education Tax cut

Sen. Maria Cantwell makes extra effort to cut taxes for American college students and their families to affordable for a higher education.

Sen. Maria Cantwell filed two pieces of legislation that would increase by an average of $3,000 the tax benefits for families saving money for their children's education. Additional tax savings for some could reach more than $10,000. That will encourage for a higher education U.S.A families who wish to achieve higher education. (1) It is sure encouraging as what she said “Improving access to higher education will determine our success in the global economy, but tuition costs are on the rise. That's why American families need a range of options—to ensure they can save for college, early and often.”

Hope many people take advantage of education tax cut like Sen. Cantwell's "College Saving Act" which will give the option for tax benefit up front.(1) It is encouraging for higher education in our nation which will make important factor for the global economy. Hopefully,many parents continue to encourage and motivate their children to have higher education if as much as possible.

I remember my middle school teacher used say that "be diligent like Confucius". He is one of the most famous people in ancient China was a wise philosopher named Confucius (circa 551-479 BC). (2) He was very poor but Confucius nevertheless received a fine education.

It is positive to see Government continue to supports and promoting for higher education and it is promising to see the bright future as more people participating higher education. Education is our journey to success for global economy. Without education there will be no future........

More details you can see at Senator Maria Cantwells website:

(1) Retrieved in January 25, 2005:
Cantwell Promotes Tax Cuts for College Savings

(2) Retrieved in January 25, 2005:

Reported By:, Positive Site: Sandra Englund :January, 25, 2005.

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