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2012 SPEEA Negotiations Update
Boeing proposes VIP changes suggested by SPEEA; withdraws two proposals

Nov 7, 2012: In response to a SPEEA proposal, Boeing today made a counterproposal aimed at increasing participation in the existing Voluntary Investment Plan (VIP) retirement program.

The proposal would increase the total amount SPEEA-represented employees are able to contribute to their VIP. In addition, current employees contributing less than 4 percent of their annual wages as of Jan. 1, 2014, would be automatically enrolled to contribute at that level. Employees would have the ability to opt out or set their own level.

This would not affect the existing plan whereby Boeing matches 75 percent of employee contributions annually up to 8 percent of employees' wages.

Boeing also agreed to withdraw language to which our employees objected regarding layoff benefits and language that would have allowed Boeing to make changes to the VIP plan.

Boeing Negotiations Team:

- Julie-Ellen Acosta, vice president, Human Resources, Commercial Airplanes
- Conrad Ball, Functional Engineering director, Boeing Military Aircraft
- Mark Burgess, chief engineer, Engineering, Operations & Technology
- Mike Delaney, vice president, Engineering, Commercial Airplanes
- Gene Woloshyn, vice president, Employee Relations, Boeing
- Todd Zarfos, vice president, Engineering - Commercial Aviation Services, senior chief engineer of Support.


According to Boeing SPEEA Negotiation site, Boeing  has proposed these changes as part of an effort to streamline the policies in place for various employee groups across the enterprise.

Statement shows that the goal is to both improve the company service delivery to employees and to increase efficiency in reducing costs.

The following hot links show the Average Tech pay and benefits and Prof pay and benefits

Sources: Boeing SPEEA Negotiations, Sandra Englund, November 8, 2012

2012 SPEEA Negotiations Update
Boeing makes Ed Wells funding proposal

Nov 6, 2012: Boeing and SPEEA reached an interim arrangement last week that will enable the program to provide a full schedule of classes in the first quarter of 2013 as we work to reach a new contract.

Boeing proposed three additional tentative agreements and the parties discussed SPEEA's proposal on bullying in the workplace and procedures related to a drug-free workplace.

Negotiations are scheduled to resume Wednesday.

Boeing Negotiations Team:

- Julie-Ellen Acosta, vice president, Human Resources, Commercial Airplanes
- Conrad Ball, Functional Engineering director, Boeing Military Aircraft
- Mark Burgess, chief engineer, Engineering, Operations & Technology
- Mike Delaney, vice president, Engineering, Commercial Airplanes
- Gene Woloshyn, vice president, Employee Relations, Boeing
- Todd Zarfos, vice president, Engineering - Commercial Aviation Services, senior chief engineer of Support.


Boeing will continue to discuss with SPEEA today, Wednesday. On September 26th, 2012, SPEEA and Boeing Co. both have agreed that Professional and Technical and Boeing Contracts will be terminated as of midnight, November 25th, 2012 which refers to Article 23 of both of the current collective bargaining agreements between Boeing Company and SPEEA.

Sources: Boeing SPEEA Negotiations and Speea website, Sandra Englund, November 7, 2012

2012 SPEEA Negotiations Update
Progress continues in SPEEA talks

Nov 1, 2012: During today's negotiations, Boeing revised its proposal on employees returning to active employment following a layoff and withdrew proposed modifications to the job posting process over which the union had expressed concern. SPEEA withdrew several proposals, including one to add holidays.

The two sides also had a useful and candid discussion about their mutual interests in matching skills with employees recalled from layoff and protecting the rights of laid-off employees. Discussion on this issue will continue.

The parties also reached tentative agreements on several other outstanding noneconomic proposals.
The two sides will meet next week for another round of talks.

Boeing Negotiations Team:

- Julie-Ellen Acosta, vice president, Human Resources, Commercial Airplanes
- Conrad Ball, Functional Engineering director, Boeing Military Aircraft
- Mark Burgess, chief engineer, Engineering, Operations & Technology
- Mike Delaney, vice president, Engineering, Commercial Airplanes
- Gene Woloshyn, vice president, Employee Relations, Boeing
- Todd Zarfos, vice president, Engineering - Commercial Aviation Services, senior chief engineer of Support

Aon Hewett Survey reported that the new retirement plan for Boeing's proposal is resulting the 25 percent higher scale than the market average of our aerospace peers. Boeing Speea Negotiation report shows that Boeing has proposed a new retirement savings program for employees who join or rejoin the company on or after Jan. 1, 2013. For these future hires, the new program would replace the traditional pension plan. The new program would be an enhanced Voluntary Investment Plan (VIP). It would include both a new automatic company contribution and a company match on employee contributions. See below for graphical figures:

The enhanced VIP is offered to nonunion employees, including executives, who have joined the company since Jan. 1, 2009 and is the same plan that SPEEA-represented engineers in Wichita agreed to starting Jan. 1, 2010.

For current employees Retirement plans for SPEEA-represented employees which is Pay-based or alternate benefit (1.025% times final five-year average salary plus 0.45% times final five-year average salary greater than social security covered compensation) times years of service; OR Fixed dollar benefit based on years of service: Voluntary Investment Plan (VIP) Company match of 75% on the first 8% of employee contributions for Social Security will be The company and employee contribute equally.

For Health Care, Boeing proposal negotiation report showing that Boeing Employees typically have several health care plans to choose from, including at least one with no monthly paycheck contribution.

Our health care plans provide employees and dependents with comprehensive medical, prescription and vision care benefits at much lower costs to employees than for those at most other large companies.

Employees also receive preventive care benefits such as free flu shots, free annual screenings and health assessments, and healthy-lifestyle programs. As approaching the SPEEA Contract ends November 25 which was delayed from October per both parties agreement, Speea and Boeing will continue to discuss today.

Sources: Boeing SPEEA Negotiations website,and Boeing website and Aon Hewitt Survey, Sandra Englund, November 6, 2012

Boeing guarantees Ed Wells Partnership and classes for first-quarter 2013

Oct 31, 2012: Today Boeing negotiators offered an interim arrangement that will enable the Ed Wells Partnership to provide a full schedule of classes in the first quarter of 2013 as we work to reach a new contract. SPEEA agreed to this arrangement in principle. The Ed Wells Partnership expects to issue a new schedule of classes for first-quarter 2013 within the next week.

Boeing withdrew earlier language amending Article 6, "Sick Leave, Bereavement Leave and Family Illness," which SPEEA had expressed as a significant concern among employees.

The Boeing negotiations team stressed that in order to keep these negotiations on track, effort and movement will be required on both sides.

Boeing Negotiations Team:

- Julie-Ellen Acosta, vice president, Human Resources, Commercial Airplanes
- Conrad Ball, Functional Engineering director, Boeing Military Aircraft
- Mike Delaney, vice president, Engineering, Commercial Airplanes
- Gene Woloshyn, vice president, Employee Relations, Boeing

- Todd Zarfos, vice president, Engineering - Commercial Aviation Services, senior chief engineer of Support


September, 2012 Boeing Proposal shows that the SPEEA Assortion was to Forces Ed Wells Partnership to cut 11,000 class seats over four years. Boeing reponded that the number of classes delivered over the new contract will be dependent on how the Boeing manages the costs and productivity.

However, Today Boeing negotiators offered an interim arrangement that will enable the Ed Wells Partnership to provide a full schedule of classes in the first quarter of 2013 for a new contract which SPEEA agreed to this arrangement in principle.

Edward C. Wells was born in Idaho in August 26, 1910, who for nearly half a century helped design every Boeing airplane from the B-17 to the 747, has died at age of 75 in July 1, 1986 whose resident was in Bellevue, WA and his Employer was in Boeing Co whom He was known as the "elder statesman of aviation".

He was recognized for contributions to developing complex aerospace systems and for his accomplishments in aircraft design engineering. He received 15 patents for inventions, mostly for mechanical and flight systems. He led engineering advances in wing flap systems, pressurized bodies, centralized fire control, power turrets, and increases in bomb load capacity and effective range.

He was made chief of Boeing's preliminary design unit in 1936, and by 1943 had worked his way to chief engineer for Boeing Co.

In 1937, he rendered what many consider his most far-reaching design, changing the shape of a plane's wing so that it served as an air brake on landings. The design, used today on nearly all jets, was seen initially on the B-17, the Flying Fortress credited with giving the United States bomber superiority in World War II.

In 1958, Wells was named a vice president and general manager of the systems management office, which assembled and tested the Air Force Minuteman intercontinental ballistic missile.

He became vice president and general manager of the military aircraft systems division in 1961 for Boeing Co.

In 1943 he was given the Lawrence Sperry Award and in 1945 the Fawcett Aviation Award, two of aviation's highest honors.

Now the Boeing has the program available for The Ed Wells Initiative offers SPEEA-represented — and other employees companywide for Boeing — education, training and career development services, employee utilization programs, and knowledge-sharing resources which employees trained by the Initiative to share career-related information with others. Learning opportunities help employees improve their skills; they also assist managers in matching employee skills and abilities with appropriate and challenging work.

According to Boeing Negotiation site on October 31st, 2012, The Ed Wells Partnership expects to issue a new schedule of classes for first-quarter 2013 within the next week.

Sources: Boeing SPEEA Negotiations website,and Yahoo , wikipedia, and Los Angels Times (July 5 1986), and Boeing Frontier, Sandra Englund, October 31, 2012

Boeing submits amended health care proposal to SPEEA

Oct 25, 2012:

During our negotiation session yesterday, Boeing provided SPEEA with an amended health care proposal incorporating the original forms of Attachments A and B, which were not included in our initial offer. The company made this amendment as an acknowledgment that having detailed medical benefits language incorporated directly into the contract is an important priority for our employees. It also provides the detail and security consistent with the current contracts.

We also jointly reached tentative agreements to provisions on holiday pay, jury and witness duty for part-time employees.

SPEEA presented a counterproposal on the retirement plan which we will review. The negotiating teams will meet again today.

Productive discussions continue between SPEEA and Boeing

Productive discussions continued today (Oct. 25) between negotiators for SPEEA and Boeing on key issues, including the current 401(k) retirement program and how to encourage greater participation in the plan. Among other topics discussed, the sides agreed to a plan that continues Ed Wells Partnership programs at the current level of funding until a new agreement is reached.

The sides agreed to forego a previously planned negotiating session on Friday, Oct. 26, and instead have subject matter experts from both sides share information and discuss a framework for continued progress. The next full negotiation session is planned for Wednesday, Oct. 31.

Boeing Negotiations Team are:
- Julie-Ellen Acosta, vice president, Human Resources, Commercial Airplanes
- Conrad Ball, Functional Engineering director, Boeing Military Aircraft
- Mark Burgess, chief engineer, Engineering, Operations & Technology
- Mike Delaney, vice president, Engineering, Commercial Airplanes
- Gene Woloshyn, vice president, Employee Relations, Boeing
- Todd Zarfos, vice president, Engineering - Commercial Aviation Services, senior chief engineer of Support


Boeing Negotiation update shows that Boeing continues move towards a more competitive market level of employee cost sharing long-term with Well Being, BlueCrossBlue Shield of Illinois, OptumHealth: which they carries –Nurseline, Health Coaching, Diesease Management, Condition Management. Medco, Best Doctors, and Health Affairs: Boeing’s Intensive Outpatient Care, Program reduces health care costs.

You can see the market comparison how the Boeing pays which SPEEA Employees monthly pays almost 7 times lower than market, Boeing pays 20 percent highter amount than market and Boeing SPEEA copays 3 percent lower than market:

You can see the market comparison how the Boeing pays above which you may compare with the Peer employers include: 3M, AT&T, Caterpillar, Chevron, Dell, E. I. du Pont, Ford, GE, HP, Honeywell, IBM, Johnson and Johnson, Johnson Controls, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Procter & Gamble, Raytheon, UPS, UTC and Verizon. Meanwhile The Boeing Company cost have increased graually every year which cost increased $3,739 since 2008 however, even if the cost living is increased so high since year 2008 and the economic crisis getting worse, employee pay $37 less than year 2011 for year 2012: See below chart.

The vast majority of Americans are unable to access medical care, treatment and procedures in the absence of health insurance due to meedical care and treatment is expensive. Health insurance problems continue to restrict access to necessary medical care for Americans who face pre-existing condition exclusions and other issues.

However, Helath Coaching is a great benefit with no employee's cost that we can take an advantage for the health care for Boeing employees that is WebMD Health Manager which Web MD is a consumer health solutions company that helps people make better health and benefit decisions. Also positively change their health behavior, and live healthier lives. Web MD health manger tool is provided My Health Assistant, Symptom checker, Health Topics like depression, chronic fatigue and diabetes; also Health Trackers is available which you can track health goals and chart their health progress whether an employee's goal is to lower blood pressure or excercise.

Boeing report shows that Facing this challenge now will allow us to be competitive, invest in new products and services, and create jobs, while still providing access to quality health care.

Next SPEEA planned negotiating session on Friday, Oct. 26, and instead have subject matter experts from both sides share information and discuss a framework for continued progress. The next full negotiation session is planned for Wednesday, Oct. 31.

Sources: Boeing SPEEA Negotiations website,and Yahoo , wikipedia, and ehow money, Sandra Englund, October 25, 2012

2012 SPEEA Negotiations

Oct 18, 2012: Boeing and SPEEA negotiations teams met today. Boeing proposed several tentative agreements, including ones related to holiday pay for part-time employees and priority recall for employees who leave the bargaining unit.

Boeing responded to SPEEA's data requests on parking in designated van pool spaces at the company's Longacres building, overtime usage broken out by bargaining unit, market data on total time off, use of contract labor and additional floating holidays. There was also further discussion of the title change from Manufacturing Planner to Manufacturing Engineering Production Specialist, which has already been reversed.

The two sides agreed to meet for additional bargaining sessions beginning next Wednesday, Oct. 24. Please visit the negotiations website for updates on a regular basis.

Boeing Negotiations Team

- Julie-Ellen Acosta, vice president, Human Resources, Commercial Airplanes
- Conrad Ball, Functional Engineering director, Boeing Military Aircraft
- Mark Burgess, chief engineer, Engineering, Operations & Technology
- Mike Delaney, vice president, Engineering, Commercial Airplanes
- Gene Woloshyn, vice president, Employee Relations, Boeing
- Todd Zarfos, vice president, Engineering - Commercial Aviation Services, senior chief engineer of Support.


According to the Boeing SPEEA message update site for BCERP Pension Plan minimum benefit increses for the proposal showing increases every year which The BCERP basic benefit will increase from $83 to $85 per month January 1, 2013 for employees on the active payroll of the company or those on an authorized period of absence, and who retire during the term of this agreement on or after January 1, 2013 (including those who retire from the employ of the company on January 1, 2013).

The basic benefit will increase for employees on the active payroll of the company or those on an authorized period of absence, and who retire during the term of this agreement, and who retire on or after.

The basic monthly pension benefit goes up from $83 per year of service to $91 per year of service. This benefit was raised $13 in the previous contract.

Additionally, new hires starting in 2013 would move to a 401(k) retirement plan instead of the traditional defined-benefit pension plan.

Boeing and SPEEA agreed to meet for additional bargaining sessions beginning next Wednesday, Oct. 24.

The Boeing has still on top category for benefit packages for the vacation, holidays, and so on... which still covers as what is showing on their SPEEA coversage updates that is showing with Boeing which has not proposed any changes to paid time-off. Industry data indicates that some companies provide more vacation. Boeing total paid time off, which includes vacation, holidays and sick leave, is still in the top segment of the market showing.

Boeing is among the largest global aircraft manufacturers, and the third largest aerospace and defense contractor in the world based on defense-related revenue. The company is the largest exporter by value in the US,and its stock is a component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The Boeing Company is an American multinational aerospace and defense corporation. Founded in 1916 by William E. Boeing in Seattle, Washington, the company has expanded over the years, and merged with McDonnell Douglas in 1997. Boeing moved its corporate headquarters from Seattle to Chicago, Illinois, in 2001.

Sources: Boeing SPEEA Negotiations website,and Yahoo , Boeing, Sandra Englund, October 21, 2012

2012 SPEEA Negotiations

Oct 6, 2012: According to LEEHAM News and Comment dated October 5, 2012 shows that Boeing’s Doug Alder sent us this statement: “Boeing has made no threats to move work. We have simply noted our ability to use the full resources of the company in order to stay competitive. We’re confident we can reach an agreement with SPEEA that benefits the company and our workforce.”

SPEEA reiterated the interests reflected in the union's original June 15 proposal, requested a mutual review of the tentative agreements reached to date, and inquired about the status of data requests.

The parties will be working to disposition the latter two items this week in preparation for resuming discussions in the near future.

Boeing Communication, report shows that Boeing is interested in understanding your negotiating team's priorities and welcome the opportunity to fully engage in the bargaining process, also acknowledged that not every remaining aspect of our first proposal is a must have, but recognize that movement on the part of both parties will be necessary to reach an agreement.

SPEEA was formed in 1946 by a group of Boeing engineers in Seattle, Washington and is an affiliated local union of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE). On behalf of its members, SPEEA negotiates contracts with employers; it also provides assistance with resolving workplace and benefit issues.

SPEEA is governed by an elected Executive Board and Council, but daily operations are handled by a professional staff and Executive Director. Union headquarters are in Seattle, with branch offices and union halls in Everett, Washington and Wichita, Kansas.

The Boeing Company is an American multinational aerospace and defense corporation which was Founded in 1916 by William E. Boeing in Seattle, Washington, soon will be celebrating the 100 years in 2016.

The company has expanded over the years, and merged with McDonnell Douglas in 1997. Boeing moved its corporate headquarters from Seattle to Chicago, Illinois, in 2001 and made Washingtonians shock.

In October 2009, Boeing Aircraft announced the selection of North Charleston for its new 787 Dreamliner aircraft assembly and delivery prep center. This positioned North Charleston as one of the major aircraft centers of the world and paved the way for thousands of new jobs to provide proves quality work for residents of the city and the entire Tri-County area.

Boeing is made up of multiple business units, which are Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA); Boeing Defense, Space & Security (BDS); Engineering, Operations & Technology; Boeing Capital; and Boeing Shared Services Group.

Boeing is among the largest global aircraft manufacturers, and the third largest aerospace and defense contractor in the world based on defense-related revenue. The company is the largest exporter by value in the US, and its stock is a component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The Boeing stock was slightely went up .95 on October 5th since October 4th, 2012. The following figure showing Boeing Stock historical information Oct 1 to Oct. 5, 2012.

Sources: Boeing SPEEA Negotiations website,and Yahoo , Boeing, Sandra Englund, October 2nd, 2012, Rev. Oct 6th, 2012

2012 SPEEA Negotiations

Oct 4, 2012: Boeing continues to committed to continuing discussions, answering questions and considering any proposals or counterproposals from SPEEA negotiations team. While Oct. 6 is the expiration date of the contract, it remains in effect until Nov. 25, 2012. On Nov. 25, the contract will terminate as a result of SPEEA filing a 60-day termination notice per Article 23 of the contract which is No strike can take place until after Nov. 25.

Past SPEEA contracts

1999: After negotiating into 2000 and conducting a 40-day strike: A three-year contract with salary increases of 5 percent, 4 percent and 4 percent, respectively. Monthly pension benefit raised from $40 per year of service to $50 per year of service.

2002: A three-year contract with salary increases of 5 percent, 4 percent and 4 percent. Monthly pension benefit rose to $60 per year of service.

2005: A three-year contract with salary increases of 6.5 percent, 4 percent and 4 percent, respectively. Monthly pension benefit rose to $70 per year of service.

2008: A four-year contract with salary increases of 5 percent each year. Monthly pension benefit raised to $83 per year of service.

Source: Boeing, SPEEA

The Boeing offer SPEEA voted on

Compensation: Including salary and medical-plan changes, overall compensation for engineers is raised 3 percent annually, and for technical professionals 2 percent annually. That compares with 5 percent annual salary increases in the previous contract.

Pension: The basic monthly pension benefit goes up from $83 per year of service to $91 per year of service. This benefit was raised $13 in the previous contract.

Additionally, new hires starting in 2013 would move to a 401(k) retirement plan instead of the traditional defined-benefit pension plan.

Medical: Average employee contributions for premiums, deductibles and co-pays will rise from $2,000 per year to $4,100 per year. Contractual guarantees: The union objects that changes to administrative rules governing retiree benefits and medical-plan benefits potentially leave full access to those benefits to the company's discretion. Boeing declined to discuss the issue with the media.

Source: SPEEA, Boeing

Other useful link:

Sources: Boeing SPEEA Negotiations website, The Business Journals , and Yahoo, Sandra Englund, October 2nd, 2012, Rev. Oct 4th, 2012

2012 SPEEA Negotiations

Source: Boeing: October 2, 2012

Boeing and SPEEA resume negotiations:

Boeing and your SPEEA negotiations team met today to continue negotiations.

As was previously communicated, we provided language to amend the following in our proposal:

  • Maintaining the long-term disability and basic life insurance option for individuals on active military leave in excess of 3 months;
  • Provided a revised hard copy of employee benefits language, consistent with our presentation, confirming that there will be no monthly paycheck contribution for dental; and
  • Withdrew our proposed changes to Article 16.3 and 16.4 applying to retiree medical, thus reverting to the language that is in the current contract.

Boeing responded to your vote:

We acknowledged to your bargaining team your rejection of our initial proposal. We shared our intention to listen to your bargaining team in order to understand your objections, answer your questions and consider alternatives.

SPEEA reiterated the interests reflected in the union's original June 15 proposal, requested a mutual review of the tentative agreements reached to date, and inquired about the status of data requests. The parties will be working to disposition the latter two items this week in preparation for resuming discussions in the near future.

We are interested in understanding your negotiating team's priorities and welcome the opportunity to fully engage in the bargaining process. We also acknowledged that not every remaining aspect of our first proposal is a must have, but recognize that movement on the part of both parties will be necessary to reach an agreement.

We will continue to provide updates on the progress of negotiations and encourage you to check the negotiations website on a regular basis.

Boeing Negotiations Team:

Julie-Ellen Acosta, vice president, Human Resources, Commercial Airplanes
Conrad Ball, Functional Engineering director, Boeing Military Aircraft
Mark Burgess, chief engineer, Engineering, Operations & Technology
Mike Delaney, vice president, Engineering, Commercial Airplanes
Gene Woloshyn, vice president, Employee Relations, Boeing
Todd Zarfos, vice president, Engineering - Commercial Aviation Services, senior chief engineer of Support


There is Boeing 2012 SPEEA Pay & Benefits Estimator available which the purpose of the Estimators will affect SPEEA's pay and benefits annually, and over the entire duration of the agreement. The estimator is pre-loaded with the pay and benefits parameters of the proposed agreement and approximate averages for several fields - SPEEA will have the option to fine tune those parameters based on SPEEAs' individual assumptions which you can accessed from SPEEAs work or home PC via the Boeing SPEEA Negotiations website ( ).

Also Main table negotiations started Aug. 13, 2012 for Spririt Wichita Engineering Unit contract which expires Dec. 1, 2012. 2012 Engineers represented by SPEEA, IFPTE Local 2001, in Wichita, Kansas are preparing to negotiate a new contract with Spirit AeroSystems.

Despite the desasterous tonados hit, Spirit AersoSystems overcomes....
Boeing gives kudos to their Customer Spirit AeroSystems
"Job Well Done"

Votes tallied by the Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA), IFPTE Local 2001, show engineers in the Professional unit rejected the offer by 9,770 (95.56%) to 454. Workers in the Technical Unit rejected the offer by 5,327 (97.19%) to 154. Votes were a straight “Reject” or “Accept” of the offers with no strike authorization on the ballots. SPEEA and Boeing resume negotiations Tuesday (Oct. 2). According to SPEEA website overall, 71.9% of eligible members voted.

Boeing’s offers. While the two contracts expire Oct. 6, all major provisions remain in place.

The Boeing continues to innovate and execute on its programs for their future plan for the employees which is critical to a business like Boeing. The change to an enhanced savings plan is in line with market trends and practices of peer companies, and allows Boeing to better manage retirement plan expenses and reduce financial risk. The report shows that Employees at other companies pay 30% of their medical costs, meanwhile Boeing’s SPEEA-represented employees pay 10% of their medical costs.

The proposed retirement benefit for SPEEA-represented new hires is a market leader compared to the plans offered by our aerospace competitors to their new hires and will give our new hires an opportunity to build significant savings for retirement. The baby boomers are growing the fastest retirement ratio in this nation.

Further, an estimated 77 million Baby Boomers who was born during the demographic Post-World War II baby boomers are reaching retirement age, which combined with significant annual increases in healthcare costs per person will place enormous budgetary strain on U.S. state and federal governments and any business places to control vs retirement revolution is underway for baby boomers. Maintaining the long-term fiscal health of the U.S. federal government is significantly dependent on healthcare costs being controlled and embrasing the current economic and market balance coampare to the global economic crisis still in working for recovery situation meanwhile, according to ABC news and Source is from Pew, over 10,000 Americans turn 65 everyday.

Meanwhile, the company will continue to absorb most of the ongoing healrth care cost increases while asking all employees to moderately increase their share of the overall cost. Even then, Boeing employees will pay a significantly lower percentage of total health care costs than what employees pay at most large U.S. companies.

For healthcare, per seach health care, In 2009, the U.S. had the highest healthcare costs relative to the size of the economy (GDP) in the world, with an estimated 50.2 million citizens (approximately 15.6% of the September 2011 estimated population of 312 million) without insurance coverage. Some critics of reform counter that almost four out of ten of these uninsured come from an household with over $50,000 income per year, and thus might be uninsured voluntarily, or opting to pay for health care services on a "pay-as-you-go" basis.

Meanwhile, Boeing is interested in understanding SPEEAs' negotiating team's priorities and welcome the opportunity to fully engage in the bargaining process. According to Boeing site, Boeing is acknowledged that not every remaining aspect of Boeing's first proposal is a must have, but recognize that movement on the part of both parties will be necessary to reach an agreement. See more detail via website

Sources: Boeing SPEEA Negotiations website, Wikipedia, , youtube, and Yahoo, Sandra Englund, October 2nd, 2012, Rev. Oct 3rd, 2012

CHICAGO, Dec. 9, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) issued the following statement today after the U.S. Trade Representative continued its efforts to ensure European Union compliance with last June's WTO ruling regarding illegal subsidies to Airbus.

"Boeing is disappointed that EADS/Airbus and European governments have failed to comply with the WTO's landmark ruling against launch aid and other forms of illegal government subsidies that Airbus has received for more than 40 years. Boeing strongly supports all the efforts by the U.S. Trade Representative to seek full compliance with the removal of all the illegal government subsidies to Airbus -- particularly market-distorting launch aid, the most pernicious form of subsidy Airbus was found to have received. There can be no compliance with the WTO's ruling that ignores any non-commercial launch aid that Airbus is currently receiving for the A350. Despite the very clear WTO ruling, EADS/Airbus and European governments have failed to remove outstanding subsidies. This illegal subsidization of Airbus products - plane after plane – is unsustainable and must stop now."

Contact: Tim Neale, 703-465-3220


Boeing: WTO Affirms Landmark Decision That
European Subsidies To Airbus Are Illegal

-- Illegal European launch aid and non-launch aid subsidies must end

-- Appellate ruling concludes the WTO’s review, compliance must occur within 6 months

-- Ruling sets governing standards for the global aerospace industry, ensures a fair and level playing field for all companies and workers

CHICAGO, May 18, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- The World Trade Organization’s Appellate Body today confirmed that Airbus received $18 billion in illegal “launch aid” and other subsidies from European governments.

“This is a clear, final win for fair trade that will level the playing field for America’s aerospace workers,” said Jim McNerney, Boeing chairman, president and chief executive officer. “The WTO has concluded that launch aid and other illegal Airbus subsidies distorted the market, harmed U.S. industry and now must end. The administration—particularly the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative—and the Congress are to be commended for their long-standing efforts in this case to enforce global trade rules. We join them in calling for immediate compliance with this landmark ruling,” McNerney said.

“The WTO has rendered its final verdict, and now Europe must comply within 6 months,” said Boeing Executive Vice President and General Counsel J. Michael Luttig.

Altogether, the WTO confirmed that Airbus received $18 billion in illegal subsidies (principle amounts only). That includes $15 billion in launch aid, including $4 billion for the A380, without which Airbus could not have developed its fleet of airplanes. It also includes $3 billion in non-launch aid subsidies, which alone exceeds the $2.7 billion of un-remedied U.S. subsidies to Boeing (mainly NASA R&D spending) that the WTO identified in a separate ruling in March and that currently is under appeal.

“Airbus and its government sponsors have tried to justify their illegal subsidy practices by claiming that Boeing benefitted equally from government R&D contracts,” Luttig said. “But the WTO in March categorically rejected that argument, dismissing 80% of the EU’s claims against the United States and confirming the huge competitive advantage Airbus has as a result of massive illegal government subsidies.”

Luttig stressed that Europe’s obligations resulting from today’s decision do not hinge on the ultimate WTO decision in the European case against the United States.

“Europe must end all practices held illegal by today’s decision—particularly launch aid; government loans for the A350 and future products must be on proven commercial terms,” he said.

Luttig also answered recent calls by Europe for a negotiated settlement.

“I understand why Airbus and its sponsor governments now want to negotiate. For 40 years they have relied on massive injections of launch aid, which today were confirmed to be illegal. We’re not interested in a settlement that would allow a continuation of illegal launch aid—the most pernicious, market-distorting subsidy of all,” he said. “Airbus currently has more than $17 billion of cash on hand. It can well afford to bring itself into compliance with the WTO ruling and thereafter develop airplanes without illegal aid from European governments.”

“The WTO rules, combined with the ruling in this case, give clear guidance on what governments can and cannot do to support their respective aerospace industries. These rules will govern all market participants and help ensure that competitions are won or lost based on the merits of the respective product offerings rather than on government subsidies,” he said.

Source: Boeing


WTO (World Trade Organization), the Appellate Body on May 18th, 2011, upheld the Panel's finding that certain subsidies provided by the European Union and certain Member state governments to Airbus are incompatible with Article 5(c) of the SCM Agreement because they have caused serious prejudice to the interests of the United States. The principal subsidies covered by the ruling include financing arrangements (known as “Launch Aid” or “Member state financing”) provided by France, Germany, Spain, and the UK for the development of the A300, A310, A320, A330/A340, A330-200, A340-500/600, and A380 LCA projects.

The ruling also covers certain equity infusions provided by the French and German governments to companies that formed part of the Airbus consortium. Additionally, it covers certain infrastructure measures provided to Airbus, The Appellate Body found that the effect of the subsidies was to displace exports of Boeing single-aisle and twin-aisle LCA from the European Union, Chinese, and Korean markets and Boeing single-aisle LCA from the Australian market. Moreover, the Appellate Body confirmed the Panel's determination that the subsidies caused Boeing to lose sales of LCA in the campaigns involving the A320 A340 and A380 aircraft.

However, different reasons, the Appellate Body excluded certain measures from the scope of the finding of serious prejudice those included the civil aircraft research and development and aeronautics research programmes which means they cannot finger pointing each other about the research programmes although the European Union's unfair subsidies for Boeing must withdraw and prohibited subsidies within 90 days.

All of these recall back in 2005, April 11 that Senate approved to Senators (96) included U.S. Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell approved on the Senate floor in April 11, 2005 on a resolution that called on European governments to reject launch aid for Airbus and supports the President's authority to take any action necessary to protect American aerospace jobs. The Senate voted on the resolution in April 11, 2005 (96 to 0)The result came out positive.(6) (6.1). After 6 years of all of these, finally WTO ruled and grant the Boeing what it's needed. The following lists show that EU Launch Aid by Plane which the media explored over the years:

(1) European governments should reject Airbus' pending application for launch aid for the A350 and any future applications for launch aid ;

(2) the European Union, acting for itself and on behalf of its Member States, should renew its commitment to the terms agreed to on January 11, 2005;

(3) the United States Trade Representative should request the formation of a World Trade Organization dispute resolution panel at the earliest possible opportunity if there is no immediate agreement to eliminate launch aid for the A350 and all future models and no concrete progress toward a comprehensive bilateral agreement covering all government supports in the large aircraft sector; and

(4) the President should take any additional action the President considers appropriate to protect the interests of the United States in fair competition in the large commercial aircraft market.

The following matrix show that the yearly orders for Boeing vs Airbus since 1989 to April/May for 2011.


The following matrix show that the yearly deliveries for Boeing vs Airbus since 1989 to April/May for 2011.

You can see the delivery trans has gone down since 2003 for Boeing.

The recent Boeing News shows that 737 production will be 40 a month in Renton, WA in the future, however, the company, which now produces about 31 of the twin-engine planes monthly in Renton, already is committed to raising the pace to 35.
Speaking of 737 production, see below for 737 vs A320 differences which show the lighter plan for Boeing which would make more fuel efficiency and reliable to fly....

The World Trade Organization (WTO) deals with the rules of trade between nations at a global or near-global level. But there is more to it than that. There are 153 WTO members as of July 2008.(Included the membership satart date) see below and click to see individual


Albania 8 September 2000


The Gambia 23 October 1996


Nicaragua 3 September 1995


Angola 23 November 1996


Georgia 14 June 2000


Niger 13 December 1996


Antigua and Barbuda 1 January 1995


Germany 1 January 1995


Nigeria 1 January 1995


Argentina 1 January 1995


Ghana 1 January 1995


Norway 1 January 1995


Armenia 5 February 2003


Greece 1 January 1995


Oman 9 November 2000


Australia 1 January 1995


Grenada 22 February 1996


Pakistan 1 January 1995


Austria 1 January 1995


Guatemala 21 July 1995


Panama 6 September 1997


Bahrain, Kingdom of 1 January 1995


Guinea 25 October 1995


Papua New Guinea 9 June 1996


Bangladesh 1 January 1995


Guinea Bissau 31 May 1995


Paraguay 1 January 1995


Barbados 1 January 1995


Guyana 1 January 1995


Peru 1 January 1995


Belgium 1 January 1995


Haiti 30 January 1996


Philippines 1 January 1995


Belize 1 January 1995


Honduras 1 January 1995


Poland 1 July 1995


Benin 22 February 1996


Hong Kong, China 1 January 1995


Portugal 1 January 1995


Bolivia, Plurinational State of 12 September 1995


Hungary 1 January 1995


Qatar 13 January 1996


Botswana 31 May 1995


Iceland 1 January 1995


Romania 1 January 1995


Brazil 1 January 1995


India 1 January 1995


Rwanda 22 May 1996


Brunei Darussalam 1 January 1995


Indonesia 1 January 1995


Saint Kitts and Nevis 21 February 1996


Bulgaria 1 December 1996


Ireland 1 January 1995


Saint Lucia 1 January 1995


Burkina Faso 3 June 1995


Israel 21 April 1995


Saint Vincent & the Grenadines 1 January 1995


Burundi 23 July 1995


Italy 1 January 1995


Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of 11 December 2005


Cambodia 13 October 2004


Jamaica 9 March 1995


Senegal 1 January 1995


Cameroon 13 December 1995


Japan 1 January 1995


Sierra Leone 23 July 1995


Canada 1 January 1995


Jordan 11 April 2000


Singapore 1 January 1995


Cape Verde 23 July 2008


Kenya 1 January 1995


Slovak Republic 1 January 1995


Central African Republic 31 May 1995


Korea, Republic of 1 January 1995


Slovenia 30 July 1995


Chad 19 October 1996


Kuwait 1 January 1995


Solomon Islands 26 July 1996


Chile 1 January 1995


Kyrgyz Republic 20 December 1998


South Africa 1 January 1995


China 11 December 2001


Latvia 10 February 1999


Spain 1 January 1995


Colombia 30 April 1995


Lesotho 31 May 1995


Sri Lanka 1 January 1995


Congo 27 March 1997


Liechtenstein 1 September 1995


Suriname 1 January 1995


Costa Rica 1 January 1995


Lithuania 31 May 2001


Swaziland 1 January 1995


Côte d'Ivoire 1 January 1995


Luxembourg 1 January 1995


Sweden 1 January 1995


Croatia 30 November 2000


Macao, China 1 January 1995


Switzerland 1 July 1995


Cuba 20 April 1995


Madagascar 17 November 1995


Chinese Taipei 1 January 2002


Cyprus 30 July 1995


Malawi 31 May 1995


Tanzania 1 January 1995


Czech Republic 1 January 1995


Malaysia 1 January 1995


Thailand 1 January 1995


Democratic Republic of the Congo 1 January 1997


Maldives 31 May 1995


Togo 31 May 1995


Denmark 1 January 1995


Mali 31 May 1995


Tonga 27 July 2007


Djibouti 31 May 1995


Malta 1 January 1995


Trinidad and Tobago 1 March 1995


Dominica 1 January 1995


Mauritania 31 May 1995


Tunisia 29 March 1995


Dominican Republic 9 March 1995


Mauritius 1 January 1995


Turkey 26 March 1995


Ecuador 21 January 1996


Mexico 1 January 1995


Uganda 1 January 1995


Egypt 30 June 1995


Moldova 26 July 2001


Ukraine 16 May 2008


El Salvador 7 May 1995


Mongolia 29 January 1997


United Arab Emirates 10 April 1996


Estonia 13 November 1999


Morocco 1 January 1995


United Kingdom 1 January 1995


European Union (formerly European Communities) 1 January 1995


Mozambique 26 August 1995


United States of America 1 January 1995


Fiji 14 January 1996


Myanmar 1 January 1995


Uruguay 1 January 1995


Finland 1 January 1995


Namibia 1 January 1995


Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1 January 1995


Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) 4 April 2003


Nepal 23 April 2004


Viet Nam 11 January 2007


France 1 January 1995


Netherlands — For the Kingdom in Europe and for the Netherlands Antilles 1 January 1995


Zambia 1 January 1995


Gabon 1 January 1995


New Zealand 1 January 1995


Zimbabwe 5 March 1995

The WTO has 153 members, representing more than 97% of the world's population,and 30 observers, most seeking membership.

The WTO is governed by a ministerial conference, meeting every two years; a general council, which implements the conference's policy decisions and is responsible for day-to-day administration; and a director-general, who is appointed by the ministerial conference. The WTO's headquarters is at the Centre William Rappard, Geneva, Switzerland.

After so many years and panels passes by, European Communities and Certain Member States — Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft Appellate Body issues report on Airbus dispute was on 18 May 2011 Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft” (WT/DS316/AB/R). A dispute arises when a member government believes another member government is violating an agreement or a commitment that it has made in the WTO. The authors of these agreements are the member governments themselves — the agreements are the outcome of negotiations among members. Ultimate responsibility for settling disputes also lies with member governments, through the Dispute Settlement Body.

Finally, it is victory win for Boeing which is a clear, final win for fair trade that will level the playing field for America’s aerospace workers,” as what Jim McNerney, Boeing chairman, president and chief executive officer says....although some says, it may have benefited to forgiving for Airbus which made unhappy for others and all...but, EU is certainly should know that unfair EU subsidies for Boeing must withdraw and prohibited subsidies within 90 days.



wikipedia, Sandra Englund, May 21st, 2011

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