Negotiations on Day 13 November 12, 2008 |
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Wednesday, Nov.12 Boeing responded to SPEEA’s request for four-year contract proposals with salary adjustments every year, continued participation in the Employee Incentive Plan (EIP), increased pensions and improvements to health benefits, including enhanced wellness and preventive care with a slight increase in cost to employees Mutually agreed upon sets the duration of the new contracts at FOUR YEARS - experation date : Oct. 6, 2012. Tentative agreement by SPEEA on Wednesday:
SPEEA will be continue to discuss on: wage increases, economics of medical benefits and retirement issues and want to discuss about Utah issues. Boeing and SPEEA Agreed both: counterproposals will not be available until negotiations conclude although The Boeing received SPEEA’s counterproposal on economic issues and shows movement on key issues, but substantial differences remain. shows that the Engineers salrary comparison by the country:
plans generally provide coverage:
Total Retirement Income Pension Plans:
Retirement Income Pension Plans:
Assistance Program can help you manage stress:
Prevention Program:
Quit For Life Program (can help Quitting tobacco):
Because of the impact of the recent crisis such as the illiquidity in the credit markets, bank failures, central bank and government response to rescue financial institutions will continue to ripple affect in globally and U.S business challenges and difficult decisions ahead for many companies. Main
Table discussion started Oct. 29 Contract expires December 1st 2008. Reported by, Sandra Englund, November 12th, 2008. Reference: ---------------------------------------------- Boeing Employees/Retirees: Employee Incentive Plan Boeing Employees/Retiress: EAP coverage Boeing
Leadership Center (8)-ch11) Disability, Life, and Accident Plans --------------------------- GM employees brace for more bad news
Monday, Nov.10
SPEEA AND BOEING continued main table on Monday, Nov. 10, 2008.
Made progress and Tentative agreements on: other non-economic issues, including voluntary layoffs with benefits and part-time employment. SPEEA continue to focus on wage, the economics of medical benefits and retirement issues. In addition, early retiree medical, outsourcing and Utah issues. The main discussion will continue to work on compensation and benefits on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2008 and Expecting to have the final agreements for this week.
The Boeing is the world leading aerospace and defense industry and covers the best intrest for the employees benefit include international converages. The Boeing Recognizing the value you and other employees bring to the Company, Boeing seeks to provide a competitive total pay and benefits package which degined for:
Boeing covers excellent wellness and preventive care. You can see your own coverage and preventive care: Boeing Wellness Getting annual wellness screenings is one of the most important steps you can take to help maintain your health. Screenings can help identify risk factors early, which helps detect and prevent serious health conditions from developing. BoeingWellness will provide FREE and CONFIDENTIAL screenings. The BoeingWellness even provides the Calendar that you can schedule your own. The EIP is an another incretible Boeing Benefit coverage, The Employee Incentive Plan (EIP) is an incentive program, provides cash bonuses of between 1 and 20 days of additional pay to eligible employees if the Company achieves annual economic profit objectives. Boeing Employee Assistance Program adds employees motivated life which makes the good news that you're not alone. The
offers wonderful program for The Employee Assistance Program (EAP)is
a confidential service designed to connect Boeing employees and their
families with experienced counseling professionals for help with personal
problems and issues. Additionally, the program offers limited free
legal and financial advice and referral, training, and access to helpful
online articles. The program is available to all employees and their
eligible dependents throughout the U.S. at no cost..Services
Offered, Counseling, and Legal and Financial Consultation. Boeing Leadership Center: is an another leading classic case for the Boeing coverage Bringing Boeing leaders together from all across the enterprise, the Boeing Leadership Center (BLC) works in partnership with the business units to provide leadership development opportunities that translate to on-the-job successes. The BLC allows leaders, from first-line managers to senior executives, to share what they're doing and what they're learning, as well as exchange techniques and best practices. Curriculum designs are based on current research and leadership programs use concepts such as intensified action learning, simulations, and leaders teaching leaders.. The Boeing Benefit package source is available via website to all Boeing Employees include Retirees: Boeing TotalAccess is the source for Boeing pay and benefits information such as health and insurance, pension, and savings. Employees and plan participants also can reach the benefits service centers through Boeing TotalAccess on line or by telephone, as described here. Boeing employees can access TotalAccess via internal, You can log for Retirees: on to My Boeing Expres to see all about coverage include: Boeing pay and benefits information such as health and insurance, pension, and savings. For Wholly-Owned Subsidiary employees: Some subsidiary employees may be able to access the Boeing Employee Discount Program and reach these benefits service centers: For assistance, you may refer to TotalAccess at 866-473-2016. For TTY/TDD service call 800-755-6363 for Health and Insurance Plans . Boeing presented a "First, Full Offer" on Thursday, Nov. 6, 2008 For SPEEA which covers outstanding initial offer which provides salary adjustments every year, pension increases and excellent health care benefits with significant enhancements for wellness and preventive care. Doug Kight, Human Resource Vice President, is communicating to the managements to share the message with the employees to make sure that the employees are aware of the posted Boeing fact sheets and SPEEA updates. Many SPEEA members are understand the economic situation, bankrupt, shuting down the companies, lay offs, and so on. Many SPEEAs hoping that there are no lay-offs in Boeing for them although they have heard some lay offs coming up in Boeing. Boeing
share value down more than 40 shares since April 2008:
Global economic is in crisis and the Boeing try to retain the share value as production produce although stock market plunged down more than almost $1.50 in one day. Reported by, Sandra Englund, November 10th, 2008. Reference: Boeing Employees/Retirees: Employee Incentive Plan Boeing Employees/Retiress: EAP coverage Boeing
Leadership Center (8)-ch11) Disability, Life, and Accident Plans --------------------------- GM employees brace for more bad news |
Thursday, Nov.6 Boeing Made "First, Full Offer" on Thursday, Nov. 6, 2008 For SPEEA The Boeing Company on Thursday presented "first, full offer" for new three year-contracts covering 20,474 engineers and technical workers with updated contract provisions on non-Boeing labor and presented initial economic offers for engineering and technical employees concerning benefits and compensation included.
The company has made significant progress toward agreement in recent days included pay increases over each year of the contracts through an annual salary adjustment fund, pension increases and enhanced health care coverage with slight cost increases.
Sheet: The Boeing Company covers higher health care cost
than Other peer Employers
Boeing covers outstanding health care plans compare to the other peer employers. The Boeing Company is committed to absorbing most of the cost increases for health care although the employees pay some share of this cost, but the cost is far less than other companies pay at the most large U.S. Companies. The health care spending is continues by several measures, health care spending continues to rise at the fastest rate in our history. In 2007, total national health expenditures were expected to rise 6.9 percent -- two times the rate of inflation.1 Total spending was $2.3 TRILLION in 2007, or $7600 per person1. Total health care spending represented 16 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP).
Looks like there are no single solution to health care’s high price tag. What we do know is if the rate of escalation in health care spending and health insurance premiums continues at current trends. The national survey shows that the cost of inaction will severely affect employer’s bottom lines and consumer’s pocketbooks. The worst thing is KC-767 Tanker deal, $35.00 Billions distructed Boeing's plan which have been excited producing the suppliers, partners, engineers, Mfg technicians plan to have so much to add on to the Boeing's benefit packages. Air Force KC-X budget plan have been push to a new President-Elect Obama Barack's 2010 budget which gave the less share value plan for the Boeing Company. Until the sustaining procurments making the productions, the share value is not going to be added to all stake holders and to the employees... around the world. Some people may not realized that they have the best benefits that they have in Boeing Co. include healthcare and retirement pension. Even the VIP offers the maximum rate of 15 percent in Boeing which you can not even compare with any other companies. Also the world well known Microsoft Company does not have the maximum of rate 15 percent VIP offer. VIP (voluntary Investment Plan) can be part of the retirement benefit that employees can add the choice in Boeing.
The release quoted Gates, saying that “It is my judgment that in the time remaining to us, we can no longer complete a competition that would be viewed as fair and objective in this highly charged environment. The resulting ‘cooling off’ period will allow the next Administration to review objectively the military requirements and craft a new acquisition strategy for the KC-X.” The worst case
is today's U.S. Stocks Tumble in Market's Worst Two-Day Slump Since
1987, after jobless claims jumped and the shrinking economy crushed
earnings at companies from Blackstone Group Inc. to News Corp include
the Boeing Company. The Boeing stock slumped more than $40. share
from $90 since November last year: Boeing Stock Nov. 2007 to Nov. 2008
S&P 500 energy companies lost 6.1 percent as a group, as oil declined for the third time this week. Crude for December delivery retreated 6.9 percent to $60.77 a barrel, the lowest settlement since March 2007. There is going to have Global Crisis meeting in Washington mid November this year with the global leaders around the world. Many speeas are wanting to see the production going before the worst case happen and make the share value grow and support the Global Crisis. The first covers 13,898 engineers and a second contract for 6,576 technical workers. While the majority of workers are in the Puget Sound region, the contracts cover some employees in Oregon, Utah and California. Both contracts expire Dec. 1. The bargaining units include 20,300 Boeing employees in Washington, Oregon, Utah and California. Main table negotiations for 700 engineers in Kansas remain on schedule to start Nov. 13. Provided by Sandra Englund, November 6th, 2008 Referernce: U.S. Stocks Tumble in Market's Worst Two-Day Slump Since 1987 FLASH: NO Tanker RFP Til Next Admin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Boeing has the most advanced edcuation program and management development program via LTD (1) Besides the most compatible benfits the Boeing have, the Boeing also offers unique benefit like - if you receive a layoff notice and you are eligible to retire. The Boeing Company considers that it is very important to understand how the alternative employees to choose would affect the employees' benefits. if you resign than if you retire:
SPEEA is concern about the out sourcing, but we need to understand how the Boeing 787 is making. The Boeing 787 assamblies put together for the most fuel efficiency airplane in Everett Mfg Boeing: It allows the Boeing to create a production flow around the world that is very efficient which will make more compatible for the world market driven and to compete, you can see the following image how the 787 Everett assemblies putting together with the harmonized global level and that is how the strong market driven with the more emphasis of Green Environment:
A330 to A380 cases are worse case for the Boeing which is driven by unfair EU subsidies for the Boeing Company and for the world global market which has destructed global hamonized balance and world market crashed and see what is going on around the world. WTO had panel regarding the Airbus unfair EU subsidies in 2007 (6) (7), yet It is still to be resolved....WTO is working very hard on this to resolve this against UNFAIR EU SUBSIDIES. The Boeing has been suffered over 37 years, yet to be resolved by the WTO for this case, the panel to be scheduled. The world market has been crashed with the unknown driven subisides...and the global bank is also in a critical situation to be adjusted. The world leaders to see in Washington soon in November to discuss about the global market to support. Regardless all of these, the Boeing is still the world best known company FOR WORK AND BENEFITS ARE COMPATIBLE LIKE SO MANY UNEMPLOYEES ARE LOOKING FOR THE BOEING JOBS. Reported by Sandra Englund,, November 3rd, 2008 Resources: 3) Summary of Your Benefits When You Leave The Boeing Company Boeing Benefits website: Boeing Benefit website: internal website 4) Boeing 787: Parts from around world will be swiftly integrated 5) Boeing Closer to Assembling First 787 Dreamliner 6) 2007: Notice of second public meeting in the WTO Dispute 7) The global market continues distorting by The Airbus - EU Subsidies for Large Commercial Aircraft The Boeing Environmental Report 2008 Resouce: |
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Tuesday, Nov. 5 The fifth day of Main Table negotiations:
negotiators countered SPEEA proposals:
“We appreciate the effort,” said SPEEA Professional Team Chair Dave Patzwald. “Our members want the ability to provide their engineering and technical expertise so that the resulting decisions regarding outsourcing are sound.” The
two sides continue to work issues regarding:
discussion regarding employee benefits, including:
The bargaining units include 20,300 Boeing employees in Washington, Oregon, Utah and California. Main
table negotiations for 700 engineers in Kansas remain
Provided by Sandra Englund, November 4th, 2008 Referernce: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Boeing has the most advanced edcuation program and management development program via LTD (1) Besides the most compatible benfits the Boeing have, the Boeing also offers unique benefit like - if you receive a layoff notice and you are eligible to retire. The Boeing Company considers that it is very important to understand how the alternative employees to choose would affect the employees' benefits. if you resign than if you retire:
SPEEA is concern about the out sourcing, but we need to understand how the Boeing 787 is making. The Boeing 787 assamblies put together for the most fuel efficiency airplane in Everett Mfg Boeing: It allows the Boeing to create a production flow around the world that is very efficient which will make more compatible for the world market driven and to compete, you can see the following image how the 787 Everett assemblies putting together with the harmonized global level and that is how the strong market driven with the more emphasis of Green Environment:
A330 to A380 cases are worse case for the Boeing which is driven by unfair EU subsidies for the Boeing Company and for the world global market which has destructed global hamonized balance and world market crashed and see what is going on around the world. WTO had panel regarding the Airbus unfair EU subsidies in 2007 (6) (7), yet It is still to be resolved....WTO is working very hard on this to resolve this against UNFAIR EU SUBSIDIES. The Boeing has been suffered over 37 years, yet to be resolved by the WTO for this case, the panel to be scheduled. The world market has been crashed with the unknown driven subisides...and the global bank is also in a critical situation to be adjusted. The world leaders to see in Washington soon in November to discuss about the global market to support. Regardless all of these, the Boeing is still the world best known company FOR WORK AND BENEFITS ARE COMPATIBLE LIKE SO MANY UNEMPLOYEES ARE LOOKING FOR THE BOEING JOBS. Reported by Sandra Englund,, November 3rd, 2008 Resources: 3) Summary of Your Benefits When You Leave The Boeing Company Boeing Benefits website: Boeing Benefit website: internal website 4) Boeing 787: Parts from around world will be swiftly integrated 5) Boeing Closer to Assembling First 787 Dreamliner 6) 2007: Notice of second public meeting in the WTO Dispute 7) The global market continues distorting by The Airbus - EU Subsidies for Large Commercial Aircraft The Boeing Environmental Report 2008 Resouce: |
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Support the economic to recover.
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Beck describes the economy will get worse.
Let's just hope that there are no layoff at Boeing. |
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The community leaders, employees' families, and the tax payers want end the strike. The Boeing is the main industry to maintaining the global economic. Your profit share has to grow. Many are already complaining that the IAM strike is hurting their families and communities. How can the Boeing trust and rely on IAM if the IAM continue to strike every time new contract is there regardless the Boeing Company offered the best and the most compatible labor contract. The Boeing may have to consider this situation very seriously for this case. The Boeing Company should make the urgency call for out-sourcing in order to meet the customers' schedule if the strike is continue. Although IAM continues not to cooperate with the economic situation and with the circumstances: IAM is continue to wait: see the following Strike Update from IAM, dated October 25, 2008 and October 26, 2008. Although, I am is now tentetively agreed on October 27, 2008. Strike update - October 25, 2008 Union negotiators continued meeting with the federal mediators and Company negotiators throughout Saturday and into the evening with additional talks scheduled for Sunday. As previously reported, no details of the talks will be available until this round of talks have concluded. Strike Update - October 26, 2008 Contract talks continued late into the evening Sunday and will resume first thing Monday morning. No details will be released until this latest round of contract talks have concluded.
We all are expected to see STOP STRIKE and support the ECONOMIC CRISIS and GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS !!!!!!!
THAT MEANS, PLEASE GO BACK TO WORK AND GET PAID FULL PAY BY THE COMPANY: The Boeing Company that you can increase your production: share value and benefits. Here is one of the good examples that we want to share : see on 787 operations: The circumstance need significant changes needed due to the strike and if it continues.... The
companies and other labors needs strong back up to support the customers
to meet the customer schedule......
The strike will cost Boeing about $100 million in revenue per day and knock about 1 cent per day off earnings per share, Longer strike will employees' share value will go down and reducing own values and even reducing the other benefits as well due to the production issues, according to Wall Street analysts. The walk-out by the IAM is the fourth at Boeing in 20 years. The union struck for 48 days in 1989, 69 days in 1995 and 28 days in 2005. In 2002, a contract was adopted by default, as it was rejected by workers but fewer than two-thirds approved a strike. As we all know about this, Regardless the economic crisis and minus profit for 2008 Boeing's earning, the Boeing offered the BEST AND FINAL Boeing's "best and final" contract offer this time around was delivered to union members 46 days ago, proposing an 11 percent wage increase over the three-year life of the contract, a one-time lump sum and ratification bonus. You will be able to see the detailed benefits via the company online calculator suggests that health care accounts for about 12 percent of that total, and pensions 6 percent. IAM, October 22nd, 2008, stated that "Despite the turmoil and financial conditions of Wall Street, Boeing remains highly profitable with a record $349 billion backlog (up 7%). " Boeing
and the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
(IAM) agreed late Monday to return to the bargaining table Oct. 23
under the auspices of federal mediators to resolve a strike that will
be in its 47th day by then. BACK LOG DOES NOT CALCULATES THE PROFIT UNTIL YOU HAVE THE PRODUCTION AND DELIVER THE AIRPLANES. Many community leaders believe that the IAM is not being fair to the Boeing Company. KC-X tanker contract has been canceled until the next year's budget. The economic is very bad, unemployment rates are growing however, the Boeing Company has offered the most and best labor contract. The jobless people want to have job at Boeing. We the communities and tax payers want the strike to be ended as soon as possible and support the economic to recover.
Look around the situation what's look like the economy. IAM also understand the situation that the Boeing would had more manufacturing job opening for more than 50 state: “Awarding this contract to Boeing would preserve a key a manufacturing sector and provide real economic stimulus for Boeing workers, vendors and communities in at least 30 U.S. states,” said IAM President Tom Buffenbarger." This is not the time to asking for impossible stuff to asking. It is time to support the families, communities, country and suppliers and partners, and the Boeing customers who are loyal to the Boeing Company regardless the economic down turn. Be thankful you have a job at Boeing, the best company in the World. The
2008 Pay & Benefits Profile update is available via Rev7 October 30th, 2008, Rev6 October 29th, 2008 Rev5 October 26, 2008,Rev 4, October 25, 2008, Rev 3, October 24th, 2008. Rev 2, October 22nd, Rev 1. October 9th, 2008 ON BEHALF OF COMMUNITIES AND ALL .... Sandra Englund, Community Leader, Community Advocator Source: SPEEA
Website EDGAR online |