United Nations Pushes Iran to Confirm Peaceful Facility Use:United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon wants a 'burden of proof' from Iran that confirms its peaceful nuclear intentions. [Ban Ki-Moon, U.N. Secretary-General]: I said clearly and directly t... | September 30, 2009 :NUCLEAR MENACE : Six world powers meet with Iran on nuke program |
September 25, 2009: Defense Secretary Robert Gates says 'there is no military option that does anything more than buy time' with Iran.Source: CNN | October 21, 2009: Iranian negotiators on Wednesday expressed support for a deal that, if accepted by their leaders, would delay Tehran's ability to make nuclear weapons by sending most of its existing enriched urani... |
Brussels, Belgium (CNN) -- Representatives of six world powers and the European Union met in Brussels on Friday to discuss Iran's apparent rejection of a key part of a nuclear deal. A statement will be issued "soon," according to the office of Javier Solana, the EU's foreign policy chief. The United States, Russia, China, Germany, France and the United Kingdom, along with the EU, are trying to map a way forward on Tehran's controversial nuclear program. They seek to reduce international fears that Iran wants to develop nuclear weapons. On Wednesday, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said Iran refused a request that his country send its partially enriched uranium abroad to be turned into material for medical research. However, he said Tehran might allow the nuclear material to be reprocessed inside Iran, the semiofficial ISNA news agency reported. The U.N.'s nuclear watchdog -- the International Atomic Energy Agency -- said Wednesday it could not confirm or deny that Iran had rejected any part of the proposal. The deal hammered out last month with the help of the IAEA aimed to reduce the amount of raw material Iran has to build a nuclear bomb. Agency Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei denied Friday during a news conference in Berlin that nuclear negotiations with Iran have fallen through, an agency spokesman told CNN. The spokesman said ElBaradei considers the language from Mottaki ambiguous, and the media should not consider the foreign minister's response as the end of the deal. "We have not received any written response from Iran," the spokesman said. He said ElBaradei hopes to see progress even though the process has taken awhile. "He is not ready to say it's over," the spokesman said. U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday warned Iran there would be "consequences" if it did not accept the plan. Iran insists it intends to produce nuclear energy only for peaceful purposes, including civilian electricity and medical research. IAEA inspectors first visited the newly revealed Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant last month, according to an agency report published Monday. During a meeting in Tehran, Iranian officials told the inspectors that construction of the site had begun during late 2007, the report said, and it would not be operational until 2011. However, the agency's inspectors told Iran "it had acquired commercially available satellite imagery of the site indicating that there had been construction at the site between 2002 and 2004, and that construction activities were resumed in 2006 and had continued to date," the report said. IAEA member states also allege that design work on the Fordow facility began in 2006, the report said. Iranian officials told inspectors the nation has no other undisclosed nuclear facilities either under construction or in operation, the report said, and promised that any future facilities would be disclosed. Iran remains bound by the terms of a 2003 agreement under which it must provide information to the IAEA regarding nuclear facilities as soon as the decision to build is made or construction is authorized. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ According to the IAEA latest information, IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei has circulated his latest reports on nuclear safeguards in Iran and Syria to the Agency´s Board of Governors, the 35-member policymaking body, in advance of their meeting next week. The IAEA Board of Governors will discuss the reports when it next convenes in Vienna on 26 November which outlined since the Director General´s reports of 28 August 2009. The reports are entitled Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement and relevant provisions of Security Council resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) and 1835 (2008) in the Islamic Republic of Iran and Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the Syrian Arab Republic. IAEA Board of Governors distributed the updated report accordingly. The Board of Governors report shows that As of 7 November 2008, the total amount of UF6 fed into the cascades since the beginning of operations in February 2007 was 9750 kg, and based on the operator’s daily accounting records, Iran had produced approximately 630 kg of low enriched UF6. All nuclear material at FEP, as well as all installed cascades, remain under Agency containment and surveillance. The June 2009 reports shows that the Board of Governors report shows that there are Possible Military Dimensions which indicated that the Agency to be able to address these concerns and make progress in its efforts to provide assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran, it is essential that Iran, inter alia, provide the information and access necessary to: resolve questions related to the alleged studies; provide more information on the circumstances of the acquisition of the uranium metal document. The Agency believes that Iran could, as a matter of transparency, assist the Agency in its assessment of these issues by providing it with access to documents, information and personnel to demonstrate, as Iran asserts, that these activities were not nuclear related. The Board of Governance expect that the Iran to provide the report to the Agency. Since the Director General’s last report, the Agency has continued to assess the information previously provided to it, both by Iran (including INFCIRCs/737 and 739) and by Member States, in respect of these issues. The Agency believes that Iran could, as a matter of transparency, assist the Agency in its assessment of these issues by providing it with access to documents, information and personnel to demonstrate, as Iran asserts, that these activities were not nuclear related.
The report clearly was showing that The Agency is requesting to Iran to
cooperation with the Agency since that report and has not yet provided
the requested information, or access to the requested documentation, locations
or individuals. The Agency is to keep the peace and to support the green environment: It is recommended that mitigation to reduce further emissions; adaptation to reduce the damage caused by warming; and, more speculatively, geoengineering to reverse global warming. Most national governments have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The United Nations, Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon's Climate Change Conference which will take place at the Bella Center in Copenhagen, Denmark, between December 7 and December 18, 2009. Many regions and nations including the U.S. President Obama is working togehter to make the green environment to support the climate changes. The UN members are 179 nations. Many are believes that the U.S has the key roles to proving the humanitarian services, waste management, and resources availabe for tools to preventing and protecting environment also support the climate changes to happen including other nations which ties to the IAEA Board of Governors report and shows that it is urgency that the IRAN to provide the information to the agency as soon as possible . See the blue fonts and red above. The IAEA has been working together with the IRAN since 2003 and you can see the latest activities as the following:
The IAEA Board of Governors is composed of 35 Member States, as designated and elected by the General Conference. Board Members for 2009-2010 For the 2009-2010 period, the new composition of the 35-member IAEA Board members are:
The IAEA Board of Governors generally meets five times per year - in March and June, twice in September (before and after the General Conference) and in December. The next IAEA Board of Governors will discuss the reports when it next convenes in Vienna on 26 November, 2009. As you can see IAEA continues working together with IRAN in order to comply and meet the international standard security council and nuclear disarmament rules and by laws while these issues are critically important to the world environment and world leaders Working together like President Obama and other world leaders emphasize towards the Iran's second nuclear facility. (Source: CNN dated on September 25, 2009) including, Defense Secretary Robert Gates emphasize that 'there is no military option that does anything more than buy time' with Iran..... which describes this urgency and level of red zone. IAEA continues working together with IRAN. The IAEA governors distribution in June 17, 2009 shows detail of requirements click to see detail (NPT Safeguards Agreement and relevant provisions of Security Council resolutions).
Resources: IAEA NPT Safeguards Agreement and relevant provisions of Security Council resolutions Yahoo Wikipedia Youtube CNN Related resources: http://catch4all.com/positive/2009/WorldAffair/UNsecretaryGeneral/ A more secure world: our shared responsibility World
Security, Global Governance and the Role of UN United Nation Secretary-General |
Angles: Iranian Election 2009
TEHRAN, Iran - Thousands of Iranians swarmed the streets of Tehran on Tuesday in rival demonstrations over the country's disputed presidential election, pushing a deep crisis into its fourth day despite a government attempt to placate the opposition by recounting a limited number of ballots. Iran's supreme ruler drew a firm line against any threats to the regime, warning Iranians to unite behind the country's Islamic system as authorities imposed severe restrictions on independent media. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei made an extraordinary appeal in response to tensions over the disputed election, which has presented one of the gravest threats to Iran's complex blend of democracy and religious authority since the system emerged from the 1979 Islamic Revolution. "In the elections, voters had different tendencies, but they equally believe in the ruling system and support the Islamic Republic," Khamenei said at a meeting with representatives of the four presidential candidates. "Nobody should take any action that would create tension, and all have to explicitly say they are against tension and riots." A day after a massive opposition rally that ended in deadly clashes with pro-government militiamen, Iran's main electoral authority said it was prepared to conduct a limited recount of ballots at sites where candidates claim irregularities took place. Reformist candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi has called the election an "astonishing charade," demanding it be canceled and held again. His representative, reformist cleric Ali Akbar Mohtashamipour, reiterated that demand Tuesday after a meeting of the Guardian Council, calling along with representatives of two other candidates for an independent investigation of voting irregularities. The Guardian Council is an unelected body of 12 clerics and Islamic law experts close to the supreme leader and seen as supportive of Ahmadinejad. Mousavi said Monday he believes the council is not neutral and has already indicated support for Ahmadinejad. "If the whole people become aware, avoid violent measures and continue their civil confrontation with that, they will win. No power can stand up to people's will," Mohtashamipour said. "I do not think that the Guardian Council will have the courage to stand against people." A spokesman for the Guardian Council, Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei, did not rule out the possibility of canceling the results, saying that is within the council's powers, although nullifying an election would be an unprecedented step. In the afternoon, the government organized a large rally in Tehran, as if to demonstrate it also can bring people into the streets. Thousands waved Iranian flags and pictures of the supreme leader, thrusting their fists into the air and cheering as speakers denounced "rioters" and urged Iranians to accept the results showing Ahmadinejad was re-elected in a landslide Friday. "This nation will protect and defend its revolution in any way," Gholam Ali Haddad Adel, a prominent lawmaker and Ahmadinejad supporter, told the pro-government crowd in Vali Asr Square. He called on Mousavi's supporters to accept the results and press their complaints through legal means. "After all, in all elections there will be losers and winners, naturally," he said. "This should not cause a rift between the people." The appeal for unity failed to calm passions, and a large column of Mousavi supporters - some of them with green headbands and their faces masked against tear gas or to hide their identities - marched peacefully along a central avenue in north Tehran, according to amateur video. A witness told The Associated Press that the pro-Mousavi rally stretched more than a mile (1.5 kilometers) along Vali Asr avenue, from Vanak Square to the headquarters of Iranian state television. Security forces did not interfere, the witness said, and the protest lasted from about 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other witnesses told the AP that about 100 people continued the protest in front of state TV past 9:45 p.m. The witness spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of government reprisal. Mousavi appeared to be trying to harness the days of street rage into a more carefully directed campaign of civil disobedience. In a message on his Web site, he said he would not attend Tuesday's demonstration and urged his supporters not to resort to violence. The Web site said Mousavi and his supporters planned another large demonstration along the path of Monday's massive protest, for Wednesday afternoon. It said they have asked the Interior Ministry for permission but didn't say whether they got a response or if they would go ahead if rejected. Ahmadinejad, who has dismissed the unrest as little more than "passions after a soccer match," attended a summit meeting in Russia that was delayed a day by the unrest in Tehran. That allowed him to project an image as Iran's rightful president, welcomed by other world leaders. In Washington, President Barack Obama expressed "deep concerns" about the legitimacy of the election and post-voting crackdowns but declined to term Ahmadinejad's re-election a fraud. "I do believe that something has happened in Iran," with Iranians more willing to question the government's "antagonistic postures" toward the world, Obama said. "There are people who want to see greater openness, greater debate, greater democracy." After images were shown around the world of Monday's mass protests and violence, authorities said foreign media, including Iranian employees, could only work from their offices, conduct telephone interviews and monitor official sources such as state television. The rules prevent media outlets, including The Associated Press, from sending independent photos or video of street protests or rallies. Also Tuesday, foreign reporters in Iran to cover last week's elections began leaving the country. Iranian officials said they will not extend their visas. At least 10 Iranian journalists have been arrested since the election, "and we are very worried about them, we don't know where they have been detained," Jean-Francois Julliard, secretary general of Reporters Without Borders told AP Television News in Paris. He added that some people who took pictures with cell phones also were arrested. A Web site run by former Vice President Mohammad Ali Abtahi said the reformist had been arrested. Saeed Hajjarian, a prominent reformer, also has been detained, Hajjarian's wife, Vajiheh Masousi, told the AP. Hajjarian is a close aide of former President Mohammad Khatami. Iranian state radio said seven people were killed in Monday's protests - the first confirmation of deaths from the demonstrations that started Saturday after the election results were announced. It said people were killed during an "unauthorized gathering" at a mass rally after protesters "tried to attack a military location." -------------------------------------------- According to the TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) Iran's government had criticized some of the media coverage and images, describing them as biased. International news outlets, including CNN, can talk about rallies in their live reports, but they are not allowed to leave their hotel rooms and offices. Iranian government-run television, which was not affected by the restrictions, aired live coverage of Tuesday's rally in support of Ahmadinejad, whose supporters crowded the streets of central Tehran. Moussavi asked his backers to forego a planned rally Tuesday in the same area as the pro-Ahmadinejad gathering at Vali Asr Square in Tehran. Instead, his supporters gathered at a different location in the capital, according to video footage of the rally. Seven people were killed Monday night in Tehran, government-funded Press TV said. Iran's election authority has agreed to recount some votes in the disputed election, but Moussavi has rejected the idea, asking instead for fresh elections. Meanwhile,
Iran's nuclear programme was in the spotlight of a meeting of the
UN atomic watchdog here Monday, June 15, 2009, following the country's
disputed presidential election. Wikipedia shows that the Iran's first
nuclear power plant, Bushehr I, is expected to be operational in 2009.
There are no current plans to complete the Bushehr II reactor, although
the construction of 19 nuclear power plants is envisaged.
Iran has announced that it is working on a new 360 MWe nuclear power plant to be located in Darkhoyen. Iran has also indicated it that it will seek more medium-sized nuclear power plants and uranium mines for the future. Resently, President Obama declaring North Korea a "grave threat" to the world, on Tuesday pledged the U.S. and its allies will aggressively enforce fresh international penalties against the nuclear-armed nation. South Korea's leader and President Obama said the world must break a pattern in which North Korea puts the globe on edge, only to put itself in line for concessions if it holds out long enough. "We are more than willing to engage in negotiations to get North Korea on a path of peaceful coexistence with its neighbors, and we want to encourage their prosperity," Obama said in the Rose Garden alongside South Korean President Lee Myung-bak. "But belligerent, provocative behavior that threatens neighbors will be met with significant and serious enforcement of sanctions that are in place." Recent IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Press Release shows that International Nuclear Safety Experts Conclude IAEA Peer Review of Canada´s Regulatory System. An international team of nuclear safety experts completed a two-week IAEA review of the regulatory framework and effectiveness of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). The team identified good practices within the system and gave advice on some areas for improvement. The IAEA has conveyed initial findings to Canadian authorities; the final report will be submitted by autumn. The IAEA is the world´s center of cooperation in the nuclear field. It was set up as the world´s "Atoms for Peace" organization in 1957 within the United Nations family. The Agency works with its Member States and multiple partners worldwide to promote safe, secure and peaceful nuclear technologies. The IAEA's programmes encourage the development of the peaceful applications of nuclear technology, provide international safeguards against its misuse, and facilitate the application of safety measures in its use. The organization and its Director General, Mohamed ElBaradei, were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize announced on 7 October 2005. Although IAEA represents the International, it is our responsible to take care the nature resources and healthy environment, secure, clean energy economic development and make the green world. Here is a great example from King County , Washington for environmental support in order to preparing for climate change impacts. Reported by catch4all.com, Sandra Englund, June 17, 2009. Resources: King County Solid Waste Division Wikipedia CNN Related resources: http://catch4all.com/positive/2009/WorldAffair/UNsecretaryGeneral/ A more secure world: our shared responsibility World
Security, Global Governance and the Role of UN United Nation Secretary-General 4) Seattle Climate Action Plan http://catch4all.com/positive/2009/WhiteHouse/Environment/.
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