Nobel Peace Prize 2009! |
Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize
for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama. |
Announcement of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize by Thorbjørn Jagland, Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee "President Barack Obama" Source: Youtube | CLIMATE CHANGE UN SUMMIT: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon - Copenhagen Djimon Hounsou Source: MaximsNewsNetwork |
by Oslo,
Norway: The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 The
Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for
2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary
efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between
peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision
of and work for a world without nuclear weapons. --------------------------------------------- Since World War II, the Peace Prize has principally been awarded to honour efforts in four main areas: arms control and disarmament, peace negotiation, democracy and human rights, and work aimed at creating a better organized and more peaceful world. Henry Dunant, founder of the Red Cross, shared the first Nobel Peace Prize in 1901 with Frédéric Passy, a leading international pacifist of the time. In addition to humanitarian efforts and peace movements, the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded for work in a wide range of fields including advocacy of human rights, mediation of international conflicts, and arms control. Wangari Maathai was the first to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for environmental work and Former Vice President of the United States (45th, January 20, 1993 – January 20, 2001), Al Gore received the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007, the Nobel Committee has indicated that its concept of peace now also embraces efforts to limit the harm done by man-made climate change and threats to the environment. 2009 Nobel Peace Prize emphasized about the vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations which Nuclear disarmament refers to both the act of reducing or eliminating nuclear weapons and to the end state of a nuclear-free world, in which nuclear weapons are completely eliminated. It is important to ensuring that nuclear materials globally are properly safeguarded which the United State has taken the lead since several years ago. A popular program that has received bipartisan domestic support for over a decade is the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program (CTR). The CTR program has led to several other innovative and important nonproliferation programs that need to continue to be a budget priority in order to ensure that nuclear weapons do not spread to actors hostile. The USA continues to make green evironment and extra effort for the great climatic challenges the world is confronting also strengthening the Democracy and human rights in a contructive manner. "For his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples" said Nobel Peace Committee Chair, Thorbjørn Jagland.
Sources: Nobel Prize The White House CNN Youtube wikipedia Other hot links: United Nation Secretary-General 4) King County, Washington Climate Action Plan Boeing's 2008 Environment Report |