Time to see the 100s Aerial 767
Tankers in Everett Washington It is hard to forget what is damaged and what has gone through like unbalanced and distored global market by unfair EU subsiies, lay-offs, and 9-11.etc..After over 35 years of long time unfair EU subsidies, at last, US requested for consultations in to the European Communities; France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom and Certain members states measure affecting trade in Large Civil Aircraft in October 6, 2004. The United States and the EU held WTO consultations on November 4, 2004, but the consultations failed to resolve the dispute. Requested the formation of a WTO dispute settlement panel. (14). The Panel expects to complete its work in 2007. Senator Patty Murray and many Officials are working hard to resolve this issue. Senator Patty Murray called on the Bush Administration June 27, 2006, Tuesday to send a clear message to European governments that "America will not tolerate another round of job-killing subsidies to Airbus." Looking back to Senator Murray’s statements on October, 4, 2004 (3). "I am confident in our WTO case. We’ve prepared for this day, we can demonstrate harm to American industry and workers, and it's long past time that we stand up to Airbus’ massive trade distorting subsidies. "Airbus and its European backers have been working to undermine Boeing and the U.S. aerospace industry for years. The facts are crystal clear: only Airbus receives billion dollar direct subsidies, and we are prepared to demonstrate that Airbus cash advances have distorted the aircraft marketplace and unfairly damaged U.S. industry and workers. But, WTO case is not finished and Senator Patty Murray has been working so hard on this, we should see the end of this. Enough is Enough.... The Boeing has announced to discontinue Connexion by Boeing Service. Also According to Seattle, dated August 18, 2006: Beginning of the end for C-17, Boeing to order a halt in delivery of parts for cargo jet. (9) The Boeing Co., the second-biggest U.S. military contractor, said Thursday it will soon order a halt in delivery of parts for its C-17 cargo jet barring a major award from the Pentagon that would keep production lines running past 2008. "Alerting suppliers to stop part shipments is imminent and will happen within days, but we have not sent them a letter to do that yet," Boeing spokesman Gary Lesser said. "We are inching toward a self-imposed deadline, so we'll need to do something." The Boeing news shows that Boeing Tells C-17 Suppliers Line May End in 2009 due to the lack of U.S. government orders for the C-17 military cargo aircraft, The Boeing Company (NYSE: BA) is directing program suppliers to stop work on uncommitted airplanes. This move will be the first step in an orderly shut down of the production supply chain should no further orders be received from the U.S. government. U.S. is The Largest Single Importer In The World Last Year alone, US Imported $2 Trillion Goods 4 Million Every Minutes. (16) Regardless, all of these, EU continues to attack American’s Aerospace Industry position. We do not need another lay-offs and we do not need cut off the suppliers around the world which recalls me that Senator Maria Cantwell’s statements dated September 3, 2003, and September 22nd, 2003: (6) (7). The tanker lease proposal has the backing of the American Federation of Labor (AFL-CIO) and the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace workers. The Air Force-Boeing lease proposal, which has been approved by three of the four necessary congressional committees, will support an estimated 29,000 direct jobs in more than thirty states across the country – both the primary producers and suppliers. The proposal would also bring upwards of 60,000 jobs indirectly supported by this proposal. The tanker lease will support more than 1,000 jobs in at least seven states, including Washington, Kansas, California, Texas, Michigan, Florida, and Arizona. The U.S. Air Force has critical needs we cannot afford to ignore. The Air Force has made clear we cannot risk systemic failures by not moving ahead with new Boeing tankers." This deal should affect the Washington, Kansas, California, Texas, Michigan, Florida, and Arizona state. In addition to creating jobs in the U.S., the lease proposal provides important protections to ensure that the taxpayer is getting a good deal.
Here are great statements to share that Senator Patty Murray addressed "These planes are critical, not only for the thousands of Washington state workers who will build them, but also for our brave tanker crews who will fly them. They are the backbone of America’s air power capability and they deserve the best equipment. These crews make it possible for America to project force anywhere in the world. The importance of replacing the outdated tanker fleet cannot be overstated. That’s why everyone – from the President of the United States to the Speaker of the House and majorities in Congress – understand that this agreement between the Air Force and Boeing must be finalized. " (21) Per dated August 23rd, 2006, (8) "The only affordable way is to incorporate as much as we can on the assembly line. ... That's the only business case that works," Ron Marcotte, vice president of Boeing's Global Mobility Systems, his best guess is that the Air Force will initially order a medium-size tanker such as the 767 and not a larger plane such as the 777. Per, it is the first time that a Boeing executive has acknowledged that the bulk of the tanker modification work would be done in Everett. Previously, Boeing would say only that the matter was under study. Hopefully this will be the dream come true for American’s Aerospace Industrial workers if The Boeing Co. wins the competition to supply tankers to the Air Force. Ron Marcotte, vice president of Boeing's Global Mobility Systems also said The Air Force has told Boeing that it expects to issue a draft request for proposals next month, Marcotte said. This much-awaited document will spell out in great detail the Air Force tanker requirements. A final request for proposals would likely come in January, with the Air Force making its tanker choice a year from now. In August 1st, 2006, Boeing President and CEO, Jim McNerney reassured the highest levels and standards of ethics and compliance to Senate Armed Services Committee on the Boeing-U.S. Government Global Settlement. The GlobalTanker Team has supplied more than 90% of the aerial refueling tankers flying today -- expertise that is being used today in advancing aerial refueling capability with the KC-767. The Boeing has the every qualification, over 75 years of experience. (1) . Per, dated Thursday, June 1, 2006, (17) If Boeing wins, its tankers probably would be built at its factory in Everett, providing jobs for hundreds of workers for years to come. The Northrop-EADS tankers would be built at two plants that would be constructed at Mobile's Brookley Complex, a stone's throw from the farm where Williams was helping make a little aviation history nearly 90 years ago. (Williams died when he crashed his plane trying to land at night at the site, not long after he moved to Mobile.) EADS hopes to make some history of its own there. EADS hopes to make some history of its own there. "I still think Boeing is the favorite, but EADS has done all the right things to even the odds for the tanker competition," said Loren Thompson, a defense analyst at the Lexington Institute think tank in Arlington, Va. Those odds are troubling for Boeing workers in the Puget Sound area, which would benefit most from a Boeing tanker for the Air Force. Boeing is already building a small number of 767 tankers for the air forces of Italy and Japan. Boeing is developing the 787 Dreamliner as a replacement for the 767. For more than 75 years, aerial refueling expertise has been part of Boeing's heritage. EADS is pushing the jobs angle hard, and it has won some powerful allies in Congress. "It is all about bringing jobs to the United States that would not be here," said Ralph Crosby, chairman and chief executive of EADS North America, a subsidiary of EADS. The European defense giant has crafted a successful strategy that has seen it raise a powerful lobbying army in Washington, D.C., and establish a beachhead into the U.S. defense market. By picking Northrop as the lead contractor for the Airbus tankers, EADS tapped into a vast network of political action committees in the nation's capital. It also has been building a political and economic base in the Deep South, home to many powerful Republican members of Congress, who, as Rep. Jo Bonner of Alabama said, "are going to wave the American flag every chance we get." (17)
is positive to see that Aerial refueling has been a continuous legacy
of The Boeing Company and the GlobalTanker Team (global presence) are
the world's leaders and innovators in aerial refueling technologies
and capabilities. Since the eventful year of 1923, when the first successful
air refueling was conducted by the U.S. Army Air Corps over San Diego,
California, aerial refueling has been part of military operations research
and planning. When Senator Patty Murray and Senator Maria Cantwell" deliver the end of EU subsidies from WTO CASE, and make congress to pass the Tanker deal in Washington, it will protect American’s Aerospace Industrial workers and Washington State’s Economic and around the states and around the world suppliers active. It's A Time to see the 100s Aerial Refueling Tankers in Everett. We the citizens and communities are looking forward to see that day come soon...... Reported by, Positive, Sandra Englund, August 29, 2006. References: (1) Retrieved August 29, 2006 2) Retrieved August 29, 2 006 3) Retrieved August 29, 2006 4) Retrieved August 29, 2006 5)Retrieved August 29, 2006 6)Retrieved August 29, 2006 (7) Retrieved August 29, 2006 8) Retrieved August 29, 2006 9) Retrieved August 29, 2006 (10) Retrieved August 29, 2006 (11) Retrieved August 29, 2006 (12) Retrieved August 29, 2006 (13)
Retrieved August 29, 2006 (14)
Retrieved August 29, 2006 (15) Retrieved August 29, 2006 (16) Retrieved August 29, 2006 (17) Retrieved August 29, 2006. (18) Retrieved August 29, 2006. (19) Retrieved August 29, 2006. (21) Retrieved August 29, 2006 |
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Most Advanced Boeing KC 767 Tanker: MORE THAN 75 YEARS OF Free
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