The Communities and The Nonprofit Organizations are ready to Uplifting
and make the differences to the World!!!
March 22nd, 2008, Northwest States, USA The Federation of Korean Associations
president, Kang Dong Won introduced a new president, Kwak Song Kook
who is from the Oregon State. ROK Consul General Kwon Chan Ho welcomed
and congratulated him. During the ceremony, the appreciation awards
were given to the community leaders: Kim Joon Bae, Min Hwak Kyon, Kang
Sok Dong.
23rd, 2008: Multicultural Easter services were given at the St. Catherine's
Church in Federal Way Washington State. During the Multicultural Easter
service, the baptism ceremony was held on a same day also the city of
Federal Way Council member, Jim Ferrell's child was baptized.
April 5th, The Korean American Leaders gatherd and discussed for the
important community activities. During the Community leaders' meeting,
KWA (Korean Women's Association of Washington ) Board member, Sul Ja
Warnick requested a special attention from Consul General Kwon Chan
Ho and to the Community Leaders to support Korean Language classes to
retain for the Pierce County school district before making decision
reducing the school district budget for the Korean language classes.
ROK Consul General Kwon Chan addressed that it is vital to retain and
increase the Korean language classes for the school districts. Consul
General Kwon Chan Ho said that "I will make every effort to support
this issue" All of the KA community leaders signed a special letter
to the school district in April 5th, 2008. Next day, KWA (Korean Women's
Association of Washington) Board Member Sul Ja Warnic submited Community
Leaders requests to the Pierce county school district. Races in Pierce
County, Washington show that White Non-Hispanic (76.0%) Black (7.0%)
Hispanic (5.5%) Two or more races (5.1%) American Indian (2.8%) Other
race (2.2%) Korean (1.5%) Filipino (1.0%) Other Asian (0.9%) Native
Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander (0.8%) Vietnamese (0.7%) Japanese
April 5th, 2008. The Cultural Moon Hwa Journal celebrated the first
year anniversary at the and invited special guests: the Korean American's
Popula singer Yoo Sim Cho. about 500 people atteded this ceremony. Moon
Hwa Journal Business President, Kim Jong Tae appreicated to all communities
for their passionate support towards the cultural services for the Moon
Hwa Journal. Consul General and community leaders congratulated to Moon
Hwa Journal President Kim Jong Tae. Consul General Kwon Chan Ho, Mrs.
Kwon Chan Ho and Community Leaders had reception at the Hwang Do Restaurant
in Tacoma for Music Artists Yoo Sim Cho from South Korea.
9th, 2008, The Boeing Company presented 14th Annual Conference, the
Washington State nonprofit conference in Meydenbauer Center, Bellevue,
Washington. About 500 people attended this ceremony and had more than
500 nonprofit and community leaders represented a wide variety of organizations
and positions from across Washington State. Features included roundtable
discussions; twenty-one cutting edge sessions led by respected community
leaders; open space room; nationally renowned keynote speakers; more
exhibitors and vendors.
The executive Alliance are: Nancy Bell Evens, Center on nonprofits &
philanthropy, Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs, University of
Washington, Seattle University , Master of Public Administration and
Executive Master of Nonprofit Leadership. The Keynote speakers were
Leslie Crutchfield and Heather McLeod Grant. Keynote address was "From
Mission to Movement: Force for Good: The Six Practices of High Impact
Nonprofits". The highlights for discussion was "We're going
could see the Going Green from this cenference: Online registration,
Shorter program size and printed on recycled paper, Going Green was
the topic for luncheon rountables discussion: Water bottles provied
by the sponsores and exhibitors. Instead of hard copy handouts, CD's
were provied with all of the presenter handouts and presenations AND
all presenter materials are available online
after the conference. The
Session devided 3 sessions.
1st session was given at 9:30 AM:
Employement Law Update: current and Business savvyKeeping your Nonprofit
Organization - Kellis Borek and Brandon Chon and Brandon Chun
Foundations of Cultural Competency by Hia Yin Yin Waing
Taxes? Why Should We Care? by Hugh Spitzer
Open space.
Keynote's Workshop: Six Practices of High-impact Non profis by Leslie
Crutchfield and Heather Mcleod Grant.
Flexing the Plane While it is the Air byPaul Goldberg MPH, PMP and Eric
Walker, MA
and Impact: Seizing Enterpreneurial Opportunities by Marc Fine Melissa
Succession: Ready or Not Here it Comes! by Tom Mesaros, Engaging 20's
and 30's in Community Leadership by Tara Smith and Alison CarlWhite
Session at 11:00 AM to 12:15 PM: The Secret Sauce: Attracting and Retaining
Talent in Tight Labor Markets, On Tight Budgets by Jennifer Conway,
Working Together: Collaborating Across Organizational Size and Cultural
difference by Angela Powell.
Ready to Report with the Revised Form 990 by Jane Searing
Open Space
Keynote's Workshop: Six Practices of High-impact Non profis by Leslie
Crutchfield and Heather Mcleod Grant.
Can Marketing Create A Movement? by Bill Tolliver
Governance as Leadership into Action by
Kevin Maifield
the Next Generation of Leaders by Ann Kruse
Session 3: 2:30 to 4:00 PM: Executive Coaching for Nonprofit Leaders:
Investing in your Organization's Biggest Asset by Colleen McAuliffe,
Angela Powell, Jill Sheldon,
Advanced Financial Analysis: Beyond the Balance Sheet by Dr. Leslie
Makeover, Nonprofit Edition: Rollout of Research Findings by Jan Glick
Years of Nonprofit Leadership by Lee Drechsel and Rita Ryder
for the 21st Century byAmanda Madorno and Laura Pierce
as Assets: Teaching "Old" Dogs New Tricks by Susanne Baessler
Emergency Management is Good Business by John Ufford
The 14th Annual Washington State Nonprofit Conference
presented by Boeing company and offered by EA Executive alliance, Nancy
Bell Evans Center on Nonprofits & Philanthropy, Seattle University
and United Way of King County. On this day over 500 different nonprofit
organizations have learned and left with filled joy. They have so much
to uplifting communitis and making difference to the World.
and Photos by, Sandra Englund